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"Kaitlynn let's go shopping" Shay groaned grabbing my hand. I agreed, and as we were running down the stairs her stepmom stopped us. "Where are you girls going" She asked tapping her foot. We explained the plan, and she squeeled. "I'm coming also let's go"

So here we are at the mall looking at sexy underwear. "Oh this is cute" She smiled holding up a cute pair of underwear. "Why don't you get it" Shay smiled looking over at her, and Mary laughed. "Honey I haven't slept with your father in a very long time" She smiled softly glancing at us. She spoke how when you get older it isn't about being physically attracted to someone anymore. She seemed to know what she was talking about, but as she spoke I felt a bit guilty. I was kissing her husband behind her back, and he was touching me more than her. I should be happy, but I'm not. This lady has treated me like her own daughter, and here I am messing with her man.

"Kaitlynn I'm buying you these" Shay giggled holding up a pair of underwear. She was insane, but I knew I couldn't talk her out of anything so there was no point. My phone vibrated, and I made sure no one was around when I opened the text.

"Babe we are going to a dinner tonight. Nothing fancy dress casual. I'll pick you up around 6" It was Brad. A dinner, and dress casual. That's great now all I need to do is get out of this shopping trip. When we went out to lunch I barely touched my food. "Kaitlynn baby are you feeling alright you've hardly ate" Mary asked checking my head. "I'm feeling a bit ill. I'll go home early, and I'll see you guys when I'm better" I asked, and they agreed. As soon as I got out to the car I sped home.

After a hot shower, and curling my hair I did my makeup. I then walked to my closet picking out an outfit. Casual I reminded myself. I settled with jeans and a cute top, and a necklace. I was wondering where he was taking me, and as if on cue my doorbell rings. I run downstairs, and when I swing the door open Brad isn't standing there. "Jared hey" I stuttered, and I awkwardly smiled.

" Shay said you weren't feeling well so I came to check on you" I nodded nervously biting my lip. I shot Brad a message letting him know what's happening. There's no way I could explain why Brad Barrett showed up to my house.

" You going somewhere " Jared motioned towards my outfit and I faked coughed feeling uncomfortable.

" I got a date. I didn't want to mention it yet. It could be nothing. He might not even show." He nodded, and decided to sit with me and wait.

After some uncomfortable silence the knock at the door caused me to jump. Jared offered to get it, and as he opened the door I felt relief wash over me.

" Hey baby" His shaggy hair pushed back with a green bandana, and his green eyes made me feel like I was laying in a meadow.

" Taylor man what's good?" They talked for a moment before he gave me his award winning smile. Jared stepped outside holding his hand up laughing.

" I'm going to let Taylor do his thang" He laughed walking to his car. I felt my cheeks get warm, and glanced at the ground.

As soon as Jared was gone Taylor gave me an apologetic smile. He explained how Brad wanted to come, but Jared showed up and then Mary wanted him to go to a friends for dinner.

I stood there disappointed, and he nudged my chin up.

" We can go do something" He was nervously running his fingers through his hair. " I know Brad's like your guy friend or whatever, and I wouldn't try to make a move on you. Not that I wouldn't want to, but -" I stopped his rambling by putting my hand over his mouth.

" Taylor I'd love to hang out " I laughed which made him even more nervous.

We talked over what we could do, and his phone started ringing as we walked to the car. He said it even Trey one of the guys on his team.

" Do you like dancing?" He laughed opening my door.

He was not joking we ended up at a club not far into the city. It was crowded as he lead me into the building which then extended to an outside area.

" HEY!" A group of guys shouted pulling us into the group. Taylor introduces me as his friends all start passing shots around.

" Drink" One of them said pushing it into my hand. I happily took it downing it as soon as they said three. They were getting shot after shot each time allowing me to have one. Taylor kept his eyes on me, and I found my way around the group to him.

" Let's dance" I grabbed his hand not giving him time to protest. I whisked him out away from his cheering friends enjoying his company. We were dancing close enough that I noticed his body move away from mine.

A body pressed firmly against mine, and his hands gripped my waist.

" Taylor called to let me know how drunk you are" His voice in a low growl.

"Well he shouldn't have called" I giggled looking around at everyone's straight face. His hands tightened their grip, and he relaxed.

" Let's all go. I'll take you guys back to David's" My hand wrapped in his as he lead us to the car. He started lecturing the guys on giving me alcohol.

" But I'm 19" My pout wasn't enough to make him stop lecturing. The drive to David's was fairly quick when we pulled up at a huge building.

The door man greeted him with a smile, and he did a handshake with him. I asked which floor ready to press the button when he said the top. Penthouse was all that was wrote on the button.

The elevator opened then 20 feet in front of us was a black door. He pushed it open revealing the beautiful layout. As soon as you walk in to the right was what looked to be a living room then the left a kitchen. I found myself walking to the balcony which was the size of my living room.

A hammock placed so you could see the sky. I laid down swinging side to side giggling before noticing Brad standing at the door. His light jeans complimented his baby blue button down.

"Lay down with me" I asked patting the side he let out a heavy sign before walking over.

His arms wrapped tight around me while my leg laid across him. My hand sliding down his chest to the buttons on his shirt.

" No one has to know" He whispered dragging his lips across my jaw.

" No one ever has to know" His lips captured mine in a sweet kiss as I fumbled with the buttons. My fingers scraping his skin as I try to open it.

" Slow down baby. We have our whole lives for that" He grabbed my hand holding it to his chest. The stilled movement causing my eyes to fall, and sleep to overtake me.

The last thing I felt was his warms lips pressed softly against my forehead.

No One Has To Know (My Bestfriend's Dad) EDITED Where stories live. Discover now