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Hey guys! How's life? How have you been? Well me I've been stressed. If it hasn't been one thing it's been another. I have been juggling the kid's therapies, kindergarten, learning diablitlies, Autism, and newly Type 1 diabetes. That's right my oldest was just diagnosed Type 1, and to make things worse we are ALL now sick.

The rewrite to this has been long and slow for all of the reasons above and more, but I'm trying.

November so far has sucked, and it went a little something like:

kid hospitalized for high blood sugars only to be Type 1
Came home, but pratically next day other kid sick with a cough (that was 2 weeks ago -.-
Cancelling therapies so we don't spread the plague
Spouse laid off of work
broke my tooth same day as spouse laid off and got it pulled same day
2 days later the vehicle wouldn't start to bring her to school so i had to walk her with my jaw in pain and pulling a wagon with the autistic kid in it.
Turns out the battery had just died thank the universe.
Then son gets sick and with diabetes that's alot of checking if they are okay constantly and monitoring levels
then I'm sick and also spouse.

Now I'm here hoping nothing else gets thrown our way, and we can get over this sickness like tomorrow. Also that was only november you don't want a break down of all the shitty things that happened every month lol.

So I haven't forgotten the book, but it's coming together slowly. If the universe could give a woman a dang break I could get a lot more done.

and since writing is usually my escape enjoy this moment of screaming by yours truly because every once in awhile we just need to scream at the top of our lungs and let everything out. Except mine will be in writing because my throat and jaw hurts too bad to scream my heart out.


whew. better.

I love you guys, and I'm geninuely interested in how you've been so let me know. Tell me what's been going wrong or right in your life. Vent it out here no judgements.

No One Has To Know (My Bestfriend's Dad) EDITED Where stories live. Discover now