Chapter Six :Hostility

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Kevin ran at me. Rin and Jay jumped up and pushed Kevin away. But Kevin knocked Jay down. Jay fell and hit his head on the ground, it knocked him out. Rin tried as hard as he could to push Kevin away, but Kevin knocked Rin down too. Rin hit his head, he wasn't completely unconscious, but the impact had knocked the wind out of him and he couldn't move. Kevin continued to charge at me, but Carol jumped up and pushed him away. Carol didn't have enough power and I was too scared to move. Kevin threw her and she hit her head on the brick fireplace. Carol had been knocked unconscious.

Then Kevin started toward me again. I recovered from my shock and got up. I ran into the kitchen area. But I found out Kevin was really fast. He grabbed hold of my left elbow. I struggled to get away. Then I used my right arm to elbow him in the gut. I caught him off guard and he let go of me. That's when I found out Kevin also had the ability to recover fast too, he came running at me again. I knocked over a chair to block his way and to buy more time for me to get away. But Kevin kicked it out of the way.

I then ran back into the sitting room and down the hall. I tried to get into Amy and Kevin's room, but the door was locked. I tried Carol and Jay's room, but their door was locked as well. The den was out of the question because I remembered locking it before. I ran into Rin's and my room. I locked the door and curled up on the floor. Kevin tried to bust the door by pounding on it. I screamed loudly. I had nowhere to run. If I climbed out of the window, I was vulnerable to Clarimonde, if I stayed here Kevin was sure to bust in at some point and either kill me himself or drag me and offer me to Clarimonde.

"Get out of there!" Kevin yelled as he pounded on the door.

"Rin! Someone! Help! Please! Rose!" I screamed as Kevin pounded on the door again and again.

"Come out of that room!" Kevin shouted and he pounded on the door even harder.

"No! Leave me alone! Stop please!" I shouted. Kevin pounded on the door even harder.

"Get out of there!" Kevin yelled again. This time when he punched the door I heard it break toward the top. I screamed in fear. Then I heard running and then a thud on the ground.

"Leave her alone!" Rin shouted and I heard a fist make contact with someone's face.

"Rin!" I yelled as I unlocked the door and opened it. I saw Kevin knelt over Rin. Kevin was punching him and Rin didn't have a chance to fight back.

"This-is-what-you-get-for-interfering!" Kevin said and with each word, Rin was greeted to a powerful punch to his face. I screamed.

"No!" I said and I ran at Kevin. I pushed him to the ground and tried to run to Rin but Kevin grabbed my ankle causing me to fall to the hard wood floor. "Ouch!" I said.

I tried to get away but Kevin's grip was too strong. I screamed in pain. Rin recovered from the injuries and ran toward me. He grabbed Kevin's hand that gripped my ankle and pulled it off. I backed up against the hallway's wall and watched as Rin punched Kevin over and over. I realized I had been crying as Rin had gotten beaten up.

Finally, Rin had knocked Kevin out. He dragged Kevin into the sitting room and tied him to the fireplace door handles with rope he had found in the storage closet. I was still sitting against the hallway's wall. Kevin wanted me dead, and some of the others probably did too. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face in my arms. I heard footsteps approaching, but I didn't move.

"Are you okay?" Rin asked me as he put his hand on my right arm. I looked up and just shook my head.

"This is all my fault." I said as I looked into his light-brown eyes.

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