Chapter One :Ghost Story

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The light from the fire made my face blaze as my five friends and I sat on the cabin's floor. We came out to this cabin for a week-long getaway, fun filled and relaxing. It was June third and a Friday. We wanted to celebrate graduating from high school. My three guy-friends, Rin (who was my crush), Kevin, and Jay, sat against the couch like me. Rin was closest to me. Then my other two friends, Amy and Carol sat across from us. It was about nine at night and it was just starting to get dark.

"Hey Kevin, Jay, Rin, have you heard of the story about Clarimonde?" Amy said; the fire's blazing light shining on her auburn hair. I looked up at Rin who looked confused.

"Well I haven't." Jay said and then he looked at Rin, I looked at Rin too.

"Hey! Don't look at me, I've never even heard of it." Rin said.

"I have." Kevin said. Jay, Rin, and I looked at Kevin right away. "It's some pretty messed up story." Kevin added.

"What about you Sora?" Carol asked me. I jumped startled at the sound of my name. I looked at Carol and Amy.

"No, I've never heard of it." I replied. Amy and Carol had surprised expressions on their faces.

"Why so surprised?" Rin asked as he looked at them.

"It's just that Sora is always the one who loves all those scary movies." Amy said; her blue eyes wide with shock. Rin shrugged.

"I love horror movies too, and I've never heard of the story." Rin said softly.

"It's weird though..." Carol said. Rin and I looked at each other and shrugged.

"Just tell us the story already!" Jay said, becoming impatient.

"All right! All right. Carol you begin." Amy said.

Carol smiled and turned to us, her reddish-blonde hair seemed to have an ominous glow about it as the fire's orange, mellow light rested upon it. And she began telling the story:

"About ten years ago, there was a woman named Clarimonde. She was a very beautiful woman, so it was only expected that people would always pay attention only to her. Well Clarimonde married a very successful business man named Marcus Wallace. Oh how happy she was. Of course because she was very beautiful and he was so deeply in love with her, Marcus gave her everything anyone could want, jewelry and diamonds, and all his attention.

"Well, a year after they married, Clarimonde had a little girl and they named her Rose. As the child grew she became as pretty as her mother. Soon all Marcus talked about was that little girl. He paid no more attention to Clarimonde and soon it was as if the only people that existed were Marcus and the child.

"Clarimonde began to hate the tiny child. She was so used to people always paying attention to only her and no one else, that she couldn't take being ignored. So she came up with a scheme when the child turned twelve. She planned to kill little Rose. By now you've guessed that Clarimonde had mental issues—" Carol continued saying, but was interrupted by Jay.

"Well hell yeah she did!" Jay said angrily his black hair shined in the dim light and his hazel eyes seemed to have a fire, produced by his sudden anger, growing in them.

"Well of course she did! She planned to murder her own kid!" Rin said angrily.

"Shhh! Let her finish!" Amy said.

"Thank you." Carol replied and she continued:

"Clarimonde asked little Rose if she would like to go for a walk outside. You see Marcus was at work that day. Of course little Rose agreed. Rose loved her mother, but the poor girl did not know how much her mother hated her. Clarimonde took Rose out by the cliff where the ocean and flat, sharp rocks waited below.

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