Chapter Thirteen When Given a Second Chance, Treasure It

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My spirit was placed back into my own body. I kept my eyes closed. Was it all a dream? I felt the sunshine on my face. I wondered if I had imagined everything. Yet I was still too scared to even open my eyes. I felt someone shake me. Then when I refused to do anything I felt them pull me into a sitting position and hug me tightly.

"Sora! Sora! Please! Please be okay! You can't be...?" I heard Rin say frantically. I let my eyes flutter open and I was nearly blinded by the hot, strong, sun that pierced my vision.

"Rin?" I said as I focused my eyes on him. He was looking down at me and his face was wet with his tears, more flowed from his beautiful light-brown eyes.

"Thank God!" Rin said as he held me tightly. I realized we were on the cliff, and I knew that all that I thought I had imagined happening was true after all. Tears began to pour out of my eyes, and I began to cry hysterically. Rin became more deeply concerned about me. "W-what's wrong?" Rin said.

"Everything that happened really did! It wasn't a nightmare it was true." I cried as I looked up at Rin. This caused him to hug me tightly. I felt a light touch on my arm. I looked up and saw Rose. "R-Rose! Rose!" I said and then I realized Rose had given me a second chance at life, she had saved me from certain death, because she wanted me to live life, because hers was stolen and she didn't want that same fate to befall me. "Thank you, Rose." I said softly. Rose smiled.

"Rose?" Rin said and then he looked up. He gasped and I knew that finally I wasn't the only one who could see Rose. I looked up and gasped.

Behind Rose stood Amy, Kevin, Jay, and Carol. They were smiling. Their complexions had been restored and they looked as they did before any of this happened. They looked upon Rin and me with happiness then they waved. All at the same time they burst into many golden rays and their spirits were taken to a much happier place. Rose continued to smile warmly.

"The town is over there." Rose said pointing behind us. I smiled a tearful smile. "Thank you Sora, you were able to help free all of our spirits and you were able to protect the one you loved. Clarimonde failed at killing you with her own hands so therefore she had disappeared forever and her dark spirit was taken to where it truly belonged the whole time." Rose said and with a small smile she turned and began walking away from us.

"Thank you Rose!" I yelled tearfully. Rose stopped and looked back at me, she smiled her kind smile and just like that she faded away. That was when I knew her spirit could finally rest peacefully. I looked at Rin who was very shocked, but he soon recovered and smiled.

"Everyone is finally happy again. Our friends are in a great and wonderful place now and they are happy about it." Rin said softly. He held my hand and we walked toward the town. I looked to the sky and let the sun's rays wash over my face.

I know that not everyone is granted a second chance but if you ever are granted another chance you must live your life, love with your whole heart and looked to the bright future. I know that now and so does Rin. We treasure our second chance that has been granted for us.

ClarimondeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant