Chapter Four: The Second Night

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When we got back to the cabin, Rin walked with me to the bedroom and laid me down on the bed. I looked at him.

"You need your rest." Rin said as he looked at me.

"I'm sorry." I said as I looked at him.

"What for?" Rin asked as he looked at me with confusion.

"I ruined the hike." I replied as I looked at him sadly. Rin started laughing a little.

"All that matters is that you are okay." Rin said and his eyes met mine as he knelt by the bed.

He bowed his head and was slowly getting closer to my lips. My face blazed as he got closer. Then his lips touched mine and we shared a long, but very pleasant kiss. Then Rin abruptly raised his head and stood up.

"I'm sorry." Rin said as a blush came across his tan face. I looked at him.

"No. It's okay." I said. Rin smiled a little and I smiled back.

"Try to get some rest." Rin said. Then he turned and walked away, he left the bedroom door open a little. I watched him until he vanished around the corner. Then I looked at the ceiling.

After a short while I heard a tapping on the window. I looked at the window and saw Rose standing outside it. I quickly got out of bed and opened the window, and then I climbed out of it. Rose motioned with her hand to follow. I followed her and we came to a small shed in the forest. Rose opened it and gestured for me to come inside. She turned on a lamp, closed the door, locked it, and sat down on the wooden floor.

"We couldn't talk out there. She hears everything. This place is sacred. I used to come here as a small child, the local priest blessed it. No evil spirit can enter no matter what. And no evil spirit can hear what is said in here." Rose said softly.

"What did you need to tell me Rose?" I asked gently as I looked at the girl.

"I need to tell you what is going to happen." Rose said.

"Tell me please." I said softly.

"The first night you saw both of us. I was trying to warn you of Clarimonde. Clarimonde that night was trying to scare you. She thought you would tell your friends what you saw. Her first plan was to turn those closest against you. When that didn't work she became set on trying to trap you." Rose explained.

"Why me? Why does she want me?" I asked Rose.

"You look like me. Do you not know Sora?" Rose said to me.

"Know what?" I said completely clueless.

"My father had a sister. His sister's name was Kara." Rose said as she looked at me.

"M-my mother's name was Kara." I said as I looked at Rose.

"Correct. Your mother was my aunt. Clarimonde will stop at nothing until you are dead. There is a way to stop it once and for all. But I cannot tell you what it is. That you must figure out on your own. I can only tell you what will happen from this night on." Rose said.

"What's going to happen?" I asked Rose.

"Tonight someone is going to die. Tomorrow someone else will die, and so on. I must warn you that there isn't any way to protect everyone Sora. You must not let Clarimonde touch you or kill you. For if she does, all hope is lost for everyone. Even those who have died." Rose said.

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