Chapter Seven: Warnings

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Once more I felt the feeling of floating. Then I heard Rose's voice in my mind and felt a touch on my forehead.

"Sora. Sora. Listen." Rose said softly.

"What's happening?" I asked timidly.

"Clarimonde is trying to trick you. She knows how much Rin means to you. So she's going to wound you where it hurts the most. She will kill Rin, I don't know when. Maybe when you are alone or maybe not. After that, you will be at your most vulnerable and easy for her to kill." Rose whispered.

"No! I don't want that! Please no!" I begged.

"You must stop her! Or everyone will be doomed! Forever." Rose said softly. I felt light on my closed eyes. The conversation was going to end soon.

"I'll try. I want to! I won't give up!" I whispered.

"I must go now." Rose said quietly.

I felt as if I was plummeting down to Earth. The floating feeling had disappeared and I realized that I was back in my body. I opened my eyes. I looked around me, but I couldn't find Rin. I then noticed that I was under a blanket and lying on the couch. I looked over at the fireplace; Jay, Carol, and Kevin were still unconscious.

"Rin? Rin? Where are you?" I said as I rose from the couch. Something caught my eye. I gasped. Amy was sitting at the end of the couch.

"Oh my dear, my dear, he's gone." Amy whispered. I screamed in fright. Amy vanished. Then I heard running. I got scared and jumped up from the couch. Then I looked at the window on the left side of the front door and saw Clarimonde staring inside. I turned to run and slammed into Rin's chest.

"Ouch!" Rin yelled as he fell to the floor. I tumbled to the floor as well.

"I'm sorry!" I said as I looked at Rin then at the window. Clarimonde was gone. Then I looked back at Rin and saw that he was okay. "Rin!" I yelled as I hugged him.

"Wait what? Why are you....?" Rin's voice trailed off and he hugged me back. He knew I was scared, and I thought it weird that we were hugging in spite of all that had happened.

"What's going on here?" I heard Carol say. I let go of Rin and turned and looked at Carol. She was looking at us with a confused look.

"N-nothing." I said as I looked at her and then at Jay because he had stirred. Jay opened his eyes. He looked over at Kevin.

"Why is Kevin tied up?" Jay whispered as he turned and looked at Rin and me.

"He knocked both of you out and went after Sora. He even damaged the bedroom door." Rin replied.

"Guys." I said as I looked at them. Rin looked right at me and Jay and Carol looked at me too.

"What is it, Sora?" Rin asked as he put his hand on my arm.

"We can't be left alone." I said softly.

" we just need to stick together. And then everything will be all right, I hope." Rin said quietly.

"No, she's going to come back. She's not done yet." I said timidly.

"What do you mean?" Jay said quietly.

"She's not going to stop until I'm dead, or until I find out what I am supposed to do." I said softly.

"Then you better hurry up and think fast!" Jay said, irritated.

"I know." I whispered as I bowed my head.

"All right everyone calm down! We need to get some rest." Rin said trying to make peace between all of us.

"How can you say that? One of our friends is dead, and you expect us to sleep?" Carol said as she looked at Rin with anger.

"Yes I expect you to sleep. Because if we don't get rest we'll become more vulnerable to whatever that thing is!" Rin yelled, becoming angry himself.

"Rin please calm down." I said as I grabbed his arm. Rin looked at me and his face softened.

"Oh, why don't you shut the hell up Sora?!" I heard Kevin yell. I hadn't realized that he had regained consciousness.

"You know what? Why don't you shut up instead?!" Rin said as he looked at Kevin with anger.

"Stop it! It doesn't help if everyone gets angry!" I said as I looked at Kevin and then at Rin.

"Can we please just get some sleep?!" Jay said as he looked at all of us, also trying to make peace among everyone.

"Yeah. That's the best idea. The power is out, the phones are down, and we have no service. We can't do anything more right now." Rin said as he pulled me close to him. I rested my head on his chest. Jay pulled Carol closer to him and her head rested on his shoulder. Kevin rolled his eyes and turned away from us. I wrapped my arms tightly around Rin's waist and closed my eyes.

I heard Rose's voice again. I also was floating once more. Rose put her hand on my forehead.

"Sora." Rose said softly.

"Rose! Please! I don't know what to do." I said sadly.

"You will soon. But I must warn you of something." Rose said quietly.

"What's going to happen?" I asked timidly.

"Clarimonde is going to play with all of your minds. It makes you more vulnerable to her." Rose said sadly.

"No!" I yelled.

"That's all I can say." Rose said. The floating feeling disappeared.

My eyes snapped open and I gasped. Rin woke up and looked at me. I looked at him with fear in my eyes. Why did this have to happen to my friends and myself? If I couldn't find out what I needed to do, we were all going to die.

"What's wrong Sora?" Rin said as he looked at me with concern.

"She's going to play mind games with us. We're in even more danger than before." I said as I looked at him. Rin's eyes widened, he was very afraid now. So was I.

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