Chapter Nine :The Third Night

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I was very afraid to go to sleep on the third night. I just stayed by Rin who had wrapped his arms around me. He was sleeping soundly. Carol had her head resting on Jay's knee. Jay was also asleep, but Carol looked around wildly, as if expecting Clarimonde to come bursting through the front door. Personally, I would not have put it past the vicious ghost to do so. Kevin's head was bowed, he was sleeping without trouble. It was now ten o' clock. I knew that Clarimonde would claim another one of us. I just didn't know when. I was trembling with fear; I looked over at Carol who stared back at me.

I then looked at the ceiling for quite a bit. I was trying to think about what it was that I had to do to save my friends. When I looked away from the ceiling and at the clock, I noticed that it was now ten-thirty. Still I trembled with fear. When was she going to strike? I glanced at Carol, and noticed that she had fallen asleep. I was now the only one up, and I felt so alone. What was going to happen? Who was going next? All these thoughts and many more buzzed around in my head. Then I was wide awake with no intention to sleep.

I soon became aware of an ominous and howling wind. I jumped when I heard a tree branch knock against the window above the sink in the kitchen. My eyes snapped wildly around the whole room. I knew she was coming, I knew Clarimonde would claim a life again. I tightened my grip around Rin's waist. I turned and buried my face in his chest. I felt a little safer.

Suddenly I heard something shuffle in the room. I wanted to believe it was only my sleep-deprived brain but the truth was that it was something far worse. I heard someone gasp. I looked away from Rin's chest and to the source of the sudden gasp. I saw Clarimonde standing in front of Kevin. Kevin's eyes were wide with fear. Then Clarimonde pulled a sharp object from her behind her back. I let out a very loud shriek. Rin jumped and automatically tightened his grip around me. Carol and Jay woke from their sleep and then their eyes widened with much fear.

"Kevin!" I screamed. Tears fell from my eyes. All my friends were in so much danger.

"Kevin!" everyone else screamed at the same time. I jumped up from the couch and started to run. However, with one quick movement Clarimonde slashed Kevin's throat. My eyes widened, but I still ran. I heard someone run and felt them grab me. When I had fully registered what I had just seen, more tears flowed from my eyes.

"No! Why?! What did we do?!" I shrieked as the person who had grabbed me gripped me tighter. Clarimonde looked at me and laughed. Then she vanished Kevin's head slumped forward onto his chest and a river of blood flowed from his sliced neck. I scream louder and louder. All my friends were dying. Soon they would all be dead because of me.

"Stop Sora! There's nothing you can do!" I heard Rin yell. I realized that it was him that had grabbed me.

He forced me to lie on the couch and stood by my side. I heard the shuffle of feet on the ground. I tried to look to see what was going on but Rin covered my eyes preventing me from seeing anything. I figured it was Carol and Jay trying to hide Kevin's body. Tears trickled down my face. All this was my fault. All of it.

Soon Rin removed his hand from my eyes and looked at me sadly. We were all going to die, that was what I had started to believe. I looked up at Rin, and despair made its home in my heart. Rin had sadness in his eyes. Everyone began to give up.

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