Start from the beginning

But now...


A single light appeared, still and glowing.

"I had plan for this." Pitch murmured intimately.

"I sacrificed all of my time and energywhatever I can bring into this havoc," His jaw tightened. "Only to be greeted by a scourge act of my own hardship."

Pitch waved his hand. He waited and waited, trying to conjure the hidden objects he had patiently guarding over.

Dark sand collectively formed into a massive bulked-formed shape and bursts lively within his eyes—and showed cylindrical boxes, three golden boxes with splattered diamonds atop of it.

Pitch gritted his teeth and bit his tongue, he can almost feel the rusty and salty taste of his own blood. He can feel the heat forming under his eyelids. His jaw trembled because of anguish and anger.

"The witch had stolen it," A voice said behind his back.

"The witch who turned a queen into a bear at Dun'broch, the one who befell a curse from a simple command from a Princess. She stole it and sent to the outside world. Knowing the gravest things you have done in this realm... she was helping them. She was helping one of them."

Gothel stood straightly at Pitch's back, with her cape on, her face were covered by a dark red hood. Silhouette covered half of her white face, showing her red bright lips.

"How?" Pitch asked deeply, not looking back.

"She possesses sorcery and magic, even I cannot understand."

There is silence.

"Dominating the power you had in your fingers. I tried to stop hertried to prick her over, but none of that could truly work. ." Gothel explained.

Pitch glided sideways.

"But still, I hadn't yet unleashed my true potential. It was a small portion of magic I had used."

Gothel slowly walked, circling around her feet. Her cape flows smoothly at her back, following into her delicate movement. Pitch was slightly amazed and bewildered of how a magic-wielder could definitely outstand his power and ability, the King of Darkness against an old ragged unloved witch.

"Perhaps, you had moved too... late."

"The witch threw the box away into the same abyss the four teenagers had been into." Gothel added. "That means... one of them had finally received her memory."

Pitch finally faced her. He towers over her, but not entirely—with a couple of meters apart from their feet. Pitch hadn't moved a muscle, did not changed expression; he had been crumbled and devastated by what he had seen—loosing a memory box without knowing, without a single tint of knowledge.

Pitch opened his mouth—

"She will have no ability to open the box. No matter what she dothe memory box will still be remain untouched and closed. Still, she knows nothing about her past nor her memories."

Gothel's eyes twitched, her lips quirked.

"Why is that?"

Pitch breathed.

"I made a spell." He elaborated. "The only time it would be truly effective is that... when all of them, have truly owned the boxes in their hands, and at the same time, at the same moment, all the memories will be unlatched and they willat any extent... they will finally remember everything."

Pitch turned at his back again.

"But for now, none of that will apply and that is what I am trying to stopor preventing from happening."

Pitch calmed down at the process. His voice had become soft but with applied authority and force.

If only he had the opportunity to do so, Pitch should have killed them, years ago, before anything had become out of control. That is the only thing he regretted most about—he should have slaughtered them, slit their throats or stabbed them in their chests, but no, they are his strengths and at the same time, his weakness. The energy flowing within them gives Pitch infinite power to control this world; the kingdoms of Burgess, Corona, Dun'broch and Berk but also, he knew, the same odd force will beat him to his death.

And that is why, he needs to keep it balance.

"What do you plan on doing now?" Gothel asked which snapped him out of his thoughts.

Pitch clasped his hand and the remaining memory boxes vanished in his plain vision. He will keep it strictly on guard—not escaping from his stares nor glares.

Pitch breathed, his chest moved.

And snapped his fingers.

"I will give them a little bit of funa warning, I suppose and I think, they will truly love it."

Pitch smiled mischievously, the ends of lips had gone wild, like an unending menace and trickery painted in his eyes.

Until a group of nightmares appeared beside him—maybe five or six, having no idea where they came from. Their eyes were burning in bright sharp gold color, their nostrils widen as they gasped for a swift cold air. They were enormous and dark and terrifying.

Pitch grinned.

His lips moved—

"Go." He whispered.

And the nightmares vastly scoffed away, blending to the darkness of the night. Heading to the abyss where they are going to hunt their victims.


At the narrow hallway of the dark cavern, were it leads to a gloomy room with rusting metal cages locked in, hanging onto the ceiling—slightly and jointly creaking as being swayed by the dry damp wind.

The muscles in his arms were packed in and stuffed, his beard remained white, his thick eyelashes and eyebrows remained unmoved and a visible tattoo of 'naughty or nice' can be seen as the sleeves of his coat were fold upwards.

He can feel its energy.

North St. Nicholas can feel it.

It flowed through his veins, to his heart and to his brain. He can feel being alive, he can feel his heart thump and pulse flicker. His breathing was slow and confine and marked.

That single flash of light had given so much endearment and probability—it gave him life.

His fingers clicked.

His eyes snapped open—

Until a pair of crystal blue orbs welcomed the dark light of the room.


Author's Note:

So this is it, I've updated another chapter. Meh xD. I just wanted to shift the focus of how Pitch and Gothel will now organize things with accordance to their plan, knowing the four individuals began to form a deep sense of friendship and togetherness- and maybe will turn into something else. I hope you enjoyed reading! 

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Lots of Love! :)

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