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Natalie receives her aptitude test results, and they come out Inconclusive. The Dauntless lady administrating her test; Tori, was shock to clarify that Natalie had received all five factions after taking the test. She told Natalie she was possibly the purest Divergent out of the few in hiding. She was as brave as a Dauntless, had the selflessness of an Abnegation, the honest heart of a Candor, the brain of an Erudite and of course the pure kindness wielded by an Amity. Tori pulls her up out of the testing chair and towards the back door.

"Wait what? I'm. . . I got all of them?" Natalie questions Tori in disbelief, and the administrator stops pulling her once they were next to the back door. "Yes, I'm afraid so. Dauntless, Abnegation, Erudite, Candor, and Amity. In that exact order. To be honest. I'm surprised you didn't fry my computer." She tells her, and Natalie stares at Tori with a confused expression. "W-what does this mean?" She asks her, and Tori looked as if she were in shock. "This means you're possibly the purest Divergent out of the few still in hiding. I've been an administrator for the past several years and I have never, seen results like yours. The amount of factions you're supposed to get is one, and the highest amount recorded is three. And the fact that you got all Five is why I can't stress what I'm about to say enough." Tori pauses, "You are in danger. Adults, teenagers, kids even, are being hunted and killed at least every other day just because of their DNA. People are killed for being Divergent. And you are the very epitome of it. You must tell no one, and you must trust, no one. And if anyone asks, tell them the serum I gave you made you sick, and that I sent you home." Tori says, right before she opens the back door, pushes Natalie out and closes it behind her.

That night Natalie returns home to Amity, at dinner her family questioned her disappearance and she hoped they wouldn't see through the instructed lie. After washing dishes she goes for her daily walk throughout Amity grounds, and Miles catches up with her. The two were nearly inseparable growing up, and still are now. He usually never tags along when she'd take these walks but, he thought since tomorrow at the Choosing Ceremony may be the day their family is separated, it be right to spend as much time with his sister.

"Can I ask you something?" Natalie asks after a long while of silent walking, "Of course, what is it Nat?" He answered, using the nickname he'd always call her by when they were younger. "How did your testing go?" She asks curiously, "It went well actually, do you wanna hear somethin' funny?" He asks her rhetorically, "The administrator I got had a number for a name! Can you believe that? Like who in their right mind would name their child after a number?" Miles ridicules, Natalie slightly smacked his arm. "It's not kind to make fun of a persons name. How would you like it if I made fun of your name hm? Milesss?" She teases, "Fair enough." He says as he rolls his eyes with a smile on his face, and continues to walk along side his sister.

After awhile Natalie begins to think for a moment, and the more she thought the more curious she got. "Which number was it?" She asks interested, his smile widened at her curiosity. "His name was Four, he looked like a scary Dauntless leader if you'd ask me." He tells her, "Its probably just his nickname or something." She assumed. Miles nods to avoid debating with his sister and the two continue to walk around Amity grounds. They admire the sunset quietly as they followed the dirt path beneath them.

"W-what were your test results?" Natalie finally finds the courage to ask, he looks at her and seems to hesitate on giving his answer. "They were u-uh, I-uh, don't know how to explain it but, they were," - "Inconclusive maybe?" She answers for him, he nods slowly and almost shamefully, but then realizes the only valid explanation to how she'd know that. "Yours was too huh?" He asks, and she nods, "Miles, I got all five of the factions on a test I was only supposed to get one from. I don't even know what that means honestly." She tells him in complete confusion. "Wait, How come I only got four instead of all five like you?" He questions with slight jealousy oozing from his tone and expression. "First of all, You say that like it's a bad thing. And Secondly, we're fraternal twins, not identical Miles. We're not completely the same you know." She explains, "And anyways, I'm pretty sure I know exactly which faction you didn't get you birdbrain." She playfully insults, Miles acts offended by putting a hand over his heart dramatically.

"I'll have you know Erudite is actually the fourth one I got so jokes on you!" He exclaims, his sister rolls her eyes and decides to slightly change the subject. "You wanna know something ironic about all of this?" She asks rhetorically, "When my administrator began listing the factions I got, our faction came last for me." She confessed, Miles chuckled a bit. "I'm not surprised," he says in response, causing her elbow to find its way into his side. Comfortable silence washes over them once again, and Miles decides to break it. "What.. are we Nat?" Miles asks cautiously, she looks at him unsure herself.

And that's all he needed to know both of them were clueless as to what type of people they really were. "What faction did you have in mind on transferring to?" She questioned looking at him as if she had gotten an idea, he gave her a confused look in return. "I know that look on your face, what exactly are you getting at?" He counters her question with another question. "I'm saying that if we're both supposedly 'Inconclusive'," She air-quotes pausing, "I think it'd be best if we stuck together. So which did you have in mind?" She asks again, he takes a moment to think. "I really don't want to leave our parents but, it's obvious we don't belong nor fit in here of all places." Miles says, Natalie looks at him slightly confused.

"What makes you say that?" She asks, "You literally just called me a birdbrain not too long ago," he simply explains causing both of them to laugh. "And for me, Amity wasn't first or second out the Four factions I got. And if you remember back to when we were kids, it was full of roughhousing, name calling and then getting redirected by mother or father. And even now, don't you ever feel like you're forcing yourself to be as kind as mom and dad, and all our friends?" - "Okay okay, I see your point, but you still haven't answered my question numb-nut." Natalie playfully fussed, making it even more ironic. "Okay Alright, I've got an idea," Miles says excitedly, "On three let's say which faction we'd each want to transfer too, ready?" Her brother asks, she nods and keeps the name of the desired faction in her mind.

"1 ... 2 ... 3!"

"Dauntless." They both say in unison, and they even smiled at each other's responses in unison as well.

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