Part 26

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Stevie's POV

"Hey there..." I smile down at my grandson, whose gorgeous blue eyes are staring back at me. I bend over to pick him up from the crib and take him in my arms. "Today's a very big day for your Mommy and Daddy, huh? Yes it is." I talk to Caleb, swaying gently on my feet. I can't believe he's already six months old! 

Mia and Brandon are getting married. They didn't want a very big wedding, which they're having in our backyard. It's a beautiful rose garden more than just a backyard. It's mostly just family and close friends. I told Mia that her father and I would pay for her dream wedding, but she said, she doesn't want a show, she wants to marry the man she loves.

With Caleb in my arms, I walk to the master bedroom, where Mia's getting ready for the ceremony. Her best friend, Angela, is helping her with the makeup right now. I sit on the bed and lay Caleb down, facing my daughter.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, honey. It's what you want." I tell her.

"It's a huge step, marrying someone, Mom." Mia says, sitting still with her eyes closed while Angela's applying eyeshadow. "I love Brandon and of course it's what I want, but I'm still nervous."

"It's probably excitement." Angela says and I agree.

"I was nervous, when I was marrying your father, but I was excited, when I was walking down the aisle to marry Lindsey." 

And that's very true. I was still young and infatuated with Mick. I thought he was the one for me, he sure went out of his way to prove that to me. I guess, somewhere deep down inside I knew it wasn't true. I don't regret having Luke and Mia, never, but I shouldn't have gone through with my first wedding. Lindsey is my man. He's the one I've loved my whole life. It's unfortunate how long it took us to realize there was no one else for either of us. 

Caleb is starting to fuss and I try to soothe him, but he wants his Mama. "I think your baby boy's hungry, sweetheart."

"Just a second." Angela says, taking a look to make sure she didn't mess up. "Call me, when you're ready to continue."

Mia nods her head and I bring Caleb to her, placing him in his mother's arms. I kiss the top of Mia's head before walking away. "I'll go make sure things are going as planned downstairs."

People are busy, when I descend the stairs. The chef we hired is preparing food in the kitchen, the florist just arrived, chairs are being unfolded in the backyard for the ceremony. I sneak up behind Lindsey and wrap my arms around him from the back, his hands settling on mine.

"I'm just making sure things are going well." He says, overseeing the workers. "It's a big day for Mia."

"Thank you." I move to stand next to him and his arm wraps around my shoulders. "It warms my heart how much she means to you, Linds."

"Sometimes I forget that I'm not Mia's Dad." He presses a kiss to my temple. 

"I wish you were." I realize I said that out loud, but we both let it slide. "Speaking of the father, Mick should be coming soon. He sounded excited on the phone."

"Hopefully, this will help him and Mia. They can't seem to rebuild that bond they used to have."

"I know..." I sigh, nodding my head. "I should probably go back upstairs." I peck Lindsey on the lips and return to my daughter.

Several hours pass and it's time. The guests are seated and only Mia is missing. With Caleb in my arms, I keep glancing over my shoulder, now anxious too. I feel Lindsey's palm on my thigh.

He whispers. "Relax. She's just having a moment with Mick, I'm sure." Lindsey leans in for a quick kiss. "I've got to take my spot, I'll be right back with you."

Mia chose Landslide and she wanted Lindsey to play it as she walks down the aisle. I cried, when they told me. Moments later, Lindsey starts picking the strings and I smile. Everyone's heads turn as Mia appears with her father by her side. 

The ceremony makes me emotional. Both Mia and Brandon wrote their own vows and while listening to what they chose to say to each other, I'm having a hard time keeping myself from crying. I remember my own wedding, the second one of course, and think how lucky Lindsey and I are that we were given another chance. 

Reception follows. Mia and Brandon are having their first dance as a married couple. I look over everyone's faces and they're all smiling. I smile too, tilting my chin up to lock eyes with my husband. I stand in front of Lindsey and I lean  against him, his hands locked on my middle as we sway together. The song that's playing is Crazy Love by Van Morrison and Lindsey's quietly singing it to me. 

The guests are invited to the dance floor and Lindsey turns me around in his arms. "I know I suck at dancing, but..."

I chuckle and take him by the hand. We embrace each other for the length of Just The Way You Are by Billy Joel and I'm just so happy right now. 

I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better 

I love you just the way you are 

"I said I love you and that's forever." Lindsey says.

Tears brim my eyes and I echo him. "I said I love you and that's forever."



Thank you so much for reading, for you votes and comments ♥ This has been one of my favorite  stories to write and I hope you all enjoyed reading it too ♥

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