Part 24

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Lindsey's POV

Ryan is pathetic. I mean, I've known that all along, but it seems he's powerful only when it comes to taking helpless women against their will and keeping them hostage. As soon as he was offered a deal, which would take a few years off his sentence, he ratted out his accomplices without skipping a beat. Once the other two bastards were in custody, we were able to find Karen. She was freed by the police a day after Stevie. Given that Stevie is Stevie Nicks, it's a high profile case. Things got done fast. Some crazy shit's happened to us over the years, but this was just a whole new level.

Last night Stevie opened up to me and told me about when Ryan got his filthy hands on her. I was mad, of course I was, but not at Stevie. I'm sure she didn't want it, like she didn't choose to spend weeks with a madman instead of her family. I wish I could get to Ryan and punch him in the face, break his nose maybe. I realize that if I keep thinking about it, about that asshole, I won't be able to get past this. 

I have a lot of anger in me and I don't know how to get it out sensibly. I'm trying to do the grown up thing and put all of the pent up emotions into caring for my wife. She's definitely had a rough time, there's no question about it and I think she feels guilty about Ryan touching her. We need some time alone to talk it all out and I must prove to her that I'm not upset with her. 

I'm not sure if Stevie's going to be excited about leaving home again so soon, but I've planned as a short trip for the weekend. I'm taking her home. We're going to Phoenix, she's always loved it there. I rented a condo for us there and I hope the atmosphere of being truly home will help her.  

Right now I'm looking for Stevie to tell her about the trip. I find her in Mia's room. Knocking on the ajar door, I enter and see the two of them in bed, Mia's head on her mother's chest above her heart.

"I hope I'm not interrupting."

"No, no. You can come in." Stevie says, sitting up. "What's up?"

"Um... I've been thinking and I know I didn't discuss it with you, but I'm taking you home, Steph. Just for a few days. A condo is waiting for us for the weekend. I think we need some time alone and away from this madness."

I can instantly tell Stevie's torn. Her eyebrows are creased and she's thinking. "Linds, I'm not sure..."

"Go, Mom." Mia backs me up. "Lindsey told us about this and we think this will be good for you. Luke will stay with me and Ethan, he'll take care of us."

"I don't know if I'm comfortable leaving you, Mia. You're not doing so well, honey."

Mia gives her mother a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. Besides, you'll come back. You two won't be gone for long. We'll manage."

Stevie turns to look at me, I think she actually wants to go, but she's still unsure about leaving the kids. "Promise me you'll listen to your big brother. Promise me that you'll eat and take care of that baby."

"I promise." Mia nods her head, looking Stevie in the eyes. "I won't be left alone, Mom. Don't worry."

"I always worry." Stevie chuckles, pressing a kiss to Mia's hair, then she faces me again. "I'd love to go back to Arizona." She says, smiling.

"Then let's go pack our bags." I say, grinning at her. 

Stevie gets off the bed and approaches me, taking my hand. We walk out of Mia's room and into ours. Stevie closes the door, behind her. I stand, waiting for something I don't know what, just staring at her. Stevie closes the gap between us, taking my face in her hands she brings me down as she rises on her tip toes and kisses me on the lips. And I mean really kisses me. 

"You're the most wonderful husband, you know that?" She tells me, pulling back.

"Yes." I nod my head, joking and Stevie laughs.

She gives me another pack. "I love you."

"And I love you." I echo, holding her close.

Fool Me Once... (Part 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora