Part 25

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Stevie's POV

I do have the most amazing husband. He knows me so well and he took me home, when I really needed it. We spent a great weekend together in Phoenix. We didn't waste time watching television or reading morning newspapers. We spent the whole time together. We talked a lot, we talked about what happened recently and we reminisced about the good old days. I usually was the one, who'd always know what our relationship needed and Lindsey took it upon himself to heal us this time. I'm glad he did. 

The one thing I was scared about the most when I came home after being freed from Ryan was being unable to be intimate with Lindsey. Things didn't escalate too much, but it was still quite traumatic for me. Lindsey didn't push me, he told me it wasn't his intention when taking me away for a few days. I know he meant it. However, it didn't stop us. I wasn't with some mentally ill man, I was with my husband, whom I love with every piece of my heart. It was natural, everything happened naturally. The second night when we made love that's exactly what it was - we loved each other passionately and I finally feel like things are going back to normal.

Lindsey and I came home on Monday, we were rather surprised to find a guest at our house. Mia finally mustered up the courage to call Brandon. Apparently, she told him it was serious and he was on his way to her right away. I told her Brandon is the man for her and he does have genuine feelings for her. I don't even really know why they broke up in the first place. On the other hand, I know my daughter. She's been known to act on impulse much like her father. Mick did fire Lindsey from Fleetwood Mac for no actual reason basically because he felt like it.

"Mr. Buckingham?" 

Both, Lindsey and I, look at Brandon, who's standing in the doorway of the kitchen. "Please, call me Lindsey. How many times have I told you that?"

Brandon half smiles and walks in. He pulls out a chair and sits down next to Lindsey. I take another look at the two and feel like I should leave them alone. I head upstairs to check on Mia.

"Hey, honey." I smile entering her room. "How are you doing?"

"Honestly, a lot better now that Brandon is here." She sits up against the headboard. "He took it so well."

"I told you, didn't I? He's a good man." I tell her, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "He seems excited."

"He is." Mia nods. "As soon as I told him, Brandon started making plans for us. He wants us to be a family, Mom."

"Good. He's being a responsible adult. How do you feel about it?"

"I- I feel great about it." Mia smiles, shyly at first as if she didn't believe that was how things were going to go once she told Brandon. "I shouldn't have waited so long."

"Well... What can you do about it now?" I shrug my shoulders. "I just don't want you to move too far away from us." 

"Where would we move?" Mia laughs. "Brandon lives like an hour away from here." 

"Good, that's good." I nod my head, chuckling. "Can I make something to eat for you?"

"Actually, Brandon and I might go out for dinner later. Together, just the two of us." She has a knowing smile on her face and I guess, Brandon approached Lindsey with good reason. 

"Alright." I get up and turn to leave. "Call me if you need anything."

"Will do." 

As I descend the stairs, Brandon passes me by, a grin on his face. I go look for my husband, who seems like a very proud father right now. I know it should probably be Mick in his place right now, but oh well... Even Brandon felt like he was supposed to ask Lindsey.

I come up to Lindsey, place my hands on his face and stand on my tiptoes to kiss him. I pull back, his hands locked on the small of my back. "So, did you give the permission?"

Lindsey nods his head. "I think Brandon's going to make a great husband."

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