Part 22

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Stevie's POV

It's been three days and nothing has happened yet. I'm still with Ryan and not Lindsey. Maybe Stacey got scared and she didn't go to see Linds. Maybe he didn't believe her if she did. But Lindsey wouldn't just ignore it, even if it was false, he would still check it out. 

With a heavy sigh I get out of the shower and dry myself off. I put on my nightgown and leave the bathroom, crossing the hallway into the bedroom. I wish Ryan was asleep by now, but I know he's not. He's reading something when I enter the room, but I don't care what is in his hands. I get in bed and turn the bedside lamp off, lying on my side, my back to him. 

"You said, we were going to finish it another time." I hear Ryan say and my eyes are wide open again, I gulp. "I'm waiting, Stevie. I'm patient, but we all have our limits."

"I- I have a headache." I lie and he laughs. 

"Of course you do. Something tells me you don't want it."

Absolutely not. No. I don't. 

"Maybe another night, okay?" I ask, he doesn't say anything back. 

To my surprise, Ryan drops it. I close my eyes again and hope to fall asleep. I'm not completely out yet, when I hear something outside. It sounds like a car and maybe another one, and one more? I open my eyes and frown. What's going on? It's probably the neighbors. 

But the doorbell rings a moment later. Who could it be? And this late? It's sure not a delivery guy. Ryan remains in bed, I look over my shoulder.

"Are you not going to check who's out there?"

"I can't think of anyone who'd show up this late. It's rude."

"What if someone needs help?" I ask him again and he sighs, clearly irritated. 

Ryan wouldn't let me open the door, no way, so he rolls out of bed and goes downstairs in his pajamas. I probably shouldn't but I get up too and lean against the wall by the staircase, so I can hear.

"Good evening." It's a man. "Are you Ryan Howard?"

"Yeah, and?" I inch a little bit closer to look. "What's this about? Why are you at my doorstep at this hour?"

"I'm detective Brass-" As soon as those words leave the man's mouth, Ryan tries to shut the door in his face, but he's not as strong as two policemen who force the door open and a couple more barge in, tackling him to the ground. "Cuff him!" The detective orders and I feel like I'm about to cry. Is this really happening or is it just a beautiful dream? "We have information that you're holding Stevie Nicks hostage. Is she here?"

"Hostage? That's bullshit! She's not here against her will!" 

Afraid that if I do anything, I'll wake up and realize this wasn't real, I show myself at the top of the stairs. My legs are wobbly as I walk down, my eyes filling with tears. 

"Go back upstairs!" Ryan yells, when he sees the detective's eyes looking up.

"Ms. Nicks?" I nod my head and stop midway. "Come here, don't be scared." He makes sure that the policemen have a strong hold on Ryan, then walks around him and holds out his hand for me. "He's in handcuffs. It's okay." He reassures me and I start crying. "It's fine." He tells me again and I just collapse in this stranger's arms.

"Thank you." I whisper, pulling back. 

"You don't have to thank me, your husband brought in a tip as soon as he got it." The detective smiles politely. "Hey, Carter! Escort Ms. Nicks outside, please."

"Yes, sir." Carter nods and puts his arm around my shoulders, leading me outside. 

The cars I heard were police cars. As soon as I'm outside, the door opens of one of them and Lindsey steps out. I free myself from Carter immediately and run towards Lindsey as he catches me in his arms. 

"I've got you, baby. I'm here." He kisses me repeatedly, then holds me close to his chest, stroking my hear. "Don't cry, sweetheart. It's over."

I can't help it. I sob and I can't stop myself, holding onto Lindsey. I wish I never had to let go of him. "I love you."

"I love you too, Steph. I'm so glad you're okay." He says, cradling my face in his hands. I see tears in his eyes and it breaks my heart. I never wanted to cause him pain. We hug again and then I hear the detective's voice again.

"Ryan Howard, you're under arrest-" 

I zone out after that, the words bringing me a huge feeling of relief. I don't want to stay here any longer, I look up at Lindsey. "I want to go home." 

Officer Carter shows us to his car and I sit in the back with Lindsey, practically in his lap, as we're taken home. At last.

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