Part 14

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Lindsey's POV

I have never been more proud of my wife than I am right now. She told me she went to Ryan's and she told me why. I can't believe that guy. First of all, he photographed Stevie in her most vulnerable state and more than that, he had a hidden video camera when they... Disgusting. And now he's threatened her to make it all public. Or the way he put it, he gave Stevie a choice. And she chose to stand with me. She said, we've been through enough, we've fought hard enough to be together at last and she would choose me over her career any day. I wish the circumstances were different, but I'm happy to know our marriage is strong. Hopefully, Ryan will just give up. I don't know how many more ways Stevie could tell him to fuck off. 

At the moment, Stevie's at rehearsals with Don. It definitely helps to take her mind off things. I'm trying not to get too involved, I'm letting her do her thing and while I am jealous, I think, I'm better at hiding it. I'm also really happy for her. Stevie didn't say it out loud for the longest time, but I knew she wanted to perform again. And that's great. I've realized that I'm glad to be a stay at home Dad and Stevie belongs on stage.

Ethan and I played outside for a while and we just had lunch. I put him down for a nap and he's out like a light. I linger in the doorway of his room for a minute, smiling to myself. Even though I'm not Ethan's biological father, he's not any less my child. I've been there since the very first day and I would absolutely do anything for him. Sometimes I stop and think, how such a horrible man could have created this wonderful little boy. It must be all Stevie. 

On my way downstairs, I pass Mia's room. The door is ajar and I see her facing the other way. The poor girl's been through a lot lately. I've been there for her whole life as well, there have been many times when I wish I could have stepped in and be the father she needed. I know Mick loves his children, but he's... he's a different kind of guy. He doesn't show his love in the traditional way of being there for his kids, he's always preferred saying yes, when Stevie said no, he's always bought Luke and Mia stuff, when he screwed up. I can't really remember seeing Mick actually spend time with either of them when they were younger. Even when Stevie and I were at each other's throats, I still consoled her when Mick didn't care enough for their family. She had always found comfort in my arms. I never said no, I never turned her away.

Going back to the kitchen, I put the kettle on for a cup of coffee. This is a nice quiet moment and I intend to enjoy it. I take my cup out into the backyard and sit down, when the phone starts ringing. Rushing back inside to answer it, so Ethan doesn't wake up, I hold the phone up to my ear.

"Lindsey? This is Don."

Okay, what the hell?

"Hi, Don. What's up?"

"Stevie was supposed to be here about two hours ago. She hasn't shown up. I'm sure she would have called if she couldn't have made it today."

I swallow uneasily and my heart starts beating faster. "She definitely left to meet up with you. I'm not sure what to tell you."

"Huh, that's weird." 

That's weird indeed. "Have you tried her cell?"

"I have, yeah. And her assistant, too. No answer."

My mouth goes dry. I don't know what to say. I tell Don I'll call him if I know anything and I make him promise me he'll do the same. We hang up and I take a seat, running a hand through my hair. So many thoughts and different scenarios are filling my mind, but I don't want to think the worst. I don't want to immediately assume that Ryan's got something to do with it, but I can't help it. This is too big of a coincidence. 

I think of calling the police, but they won't do anything yet. A person, who's been missing for two hours won't get their attention. I decide to wait. However, nothing happens. I don't get a call from Don or Stevie, or Karen. 

Stevie doesn't come home.

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