Part 16

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Stevie's POV

I've been tied to a bedpost for a few days now, I guess. I don't really know what time it is, I just know when the sun rises and sets, when Ryan brings me breakfast, lunch and dinner. I can't believe I'm in this mess. How could I have ever thought this was the man I could have a life together with. On the other hand, when we were in a relationship he wasn't this insane, I couldn't have known. At least he's not being violent, as weird as it sounds, Ryan is taking care of me. He genuinely believes this is right, that this is what I want. And all I can think about is Lindsey and my children. They all must be sick with worry, my heart breaks for them. I have to remain positive, I hope Ryan left some kind of a trace and I'll be found soon, wherever I might be.

The door opens and Ryan comes in, looking as happy as ever. "Did you have a good night's sleep?"

I don't answer. I mean, how can he ask me that, honestly? 

"Right. I have a couple of friends coming over tonight. I can't wait for you to meet them. I think you'll like Stacey."

What the hell? I hate to say it, but people recognize me. I would hope there are news report about me missing. Is he that delusional, lost in some crazy dreamworld, where we're a happily married couple or something? But then again, I don't think Ryan is that stupid. Maybe those friends of his don't know who I am, he wouldn't have asked them over if they did, I'm sure.

Ryan leaves me alone for a couple of hours, I'd say, or maybe the time is simply passing painfully slowly. I read a book he'd left for me to occupy myself with something until he returns and I see a key between his fingers. 

"You need to take a shower and get ready." He says, unlocking me. 

I don't expect to be left me by myself. He takes my hand and walks me to the bathroom. I go inside and he locks the bathroom door from the outside. I want to cry, I want to scream! But that won't do any good. Maybe I should play nice, I should obey him and gain his trust. Maybe then I'll have some more freedom to come up with a plan and put it in action.

Taking off my clothes I've been wearing for the past two days, I fold them and put them on the floor. Stepping into the shower, I set the water to a hotter temperature than I prefer and take as long as I possibly can washing my body. I don't get a lot of time without being kept under surveillance, I'm going to take advantage of this moment.

"I'm done." I tell Ryan, as I stand wearing a robe, my hair wrapped in a towel.

The door unlocks and I'm face to face with him again. I hold my hand out for him to take and I see, I've taken him by surprise. He leads me back to the bedroom and there are clothes laid out for me on the bed. It's a skin tight dress, I can already tell, and high heels. This is going to be super comfortable. 

Of course Ryan watches me as I get dressed, but he doesn't try anything. Just as I thought, the dress is hugging my figure and I don't feel good at all, but the look in his eyes appreciates my appearance. I put on the heels, too and he shows me to the vanity to start applying makeup. 

"What do you want me to look like?" I ask, looking at him through the mirror. 

"Like yourself, you're beautiful." 

I cringe and take a deep breath. I'm slightly shocked by the selection, he really went out and bought all of this? I use foundation, my usual brown eyeshadow, mascara and lip gloss. I'm told to let my hair dry on its own. 

God, this is so wrong, but I can't break down. I won't give him the satisfaction. 

Around 7 pm, the mentioned friends are at the door. The couple introduce themselves as Joe and Stacey, I plaster on a smile and shake their hands. Damn it, they clearly have no idea who I am. They do seem to be Ryan's age, maybe a bit younger, so that's understandable I guess. Ryan shows his guests to the living room and we take a seat, while he opens the bar and asks for everyone's drink preferences. 

"Wow, Stephanie, I must say, this place looks great!" 

"Thank you." I nod my head at Stacey as she takes her wine from Ryan. He hands a glass of scotch to Joe and sits down next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. 

"I'm glad we finally get to meet the woman Ryan's been talking about nonstop." Joe hugs his girlfriend, too, grinning widely. "I'd say he's obsessed." Joe laughs and I chuckle nervously. The man has no idea how true his statement is. "I hear, you're planning a wedding?"

I choke on my drink that I find to be lemonade, Ryan's hand rubbing my back. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I just... I didn't know we started telling people." I gulp, looking at my fiance.

"Steph doesn't want a big wedding, but I think we should celebrate our love." Ryan smiles at Joe and Stacey, she nods her head in agreement.

"Absolutely! I want a huge wedding!" She exclaims and Joe calms her down. "So, was it love at first sight for you too, Stephanie?"

Something about her using my full name irks me, but I nod my head. "Ryan swept me off my feet, what can I say." I fake a smile, placing my hand on his knee. 

We play the get to know each other game, I have to think of my answers carefully before I speak, checking every time with Ryan if I said the right thing. The evening goes well, you could say, the couple leaves before midnight and we make plans to get together again. 

"You did really well." Ryan smiles at me and I want to punch him in the face. "See, this isn't so bad, baby."

I don't say anything, following him up the stairs and into the bedroom. I have a feeling our night doesn't end here just yet. Ryan stands behind me and slowly undoes the zipper of my dress. I should have known he wouldn't be able to stop himself for very long. He undresses me until I'm left in my matching underwear and I feel his lips press against the back of my neck and shoulders. I close my eyes and hold my breath. Much to my surprise, Ryan shows me to get in bed and I see the goddamn key again. 

"Keep it up and this won't be necessary for much longer." He caresses the side of my face and kisses me on the lips.

Ryan takes off his clothes and gets in next to me. I didn't expect him to, but he turns on his side, his back to me and he drifts off quickly. I sigh in relief. 

What has my life become?

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