Presentation Time!

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Y/N PoV:

2 years ago, an experiment have gone wrong and I mutated into some sort of Godzilla thing. I was, like, over 200 feet tall (I don't know my exact height since I can't really measure my height but it's something like that). I was filled with so much rage that I began wrecking the military base I was held into before leaving the place. Hopefully I could return back to my normal size and form.

It took me some time but I managed to control myself when turning into my "Godzilla" form, I am no longer driven by this constant rage in me. I'm like Professor Hulk! Having the "muscles" while keeping the "brain", meaning that I still can think properly while having this "kaiju" appearance, it means that I have a serious advantage over the other monsters.

Speaking of which, last year, "kaijus" began to appear, monsters like me. I knew that those creatures' sudden appearances couldn't be Mother Nature's doing and I was right. The first monster I fought was a werewolf, a huge one.

When I killed it, it started to shrink down to normal size, revealing a man. That monster was a human turned into a lab experiment, a test subject, a weapon just like I should have been.

All the other kaijus I defeated, I killed, were actually humans. I think they were "created" by the same people who "created" me. They wanted to make an unstoppable weapon that could easily be controlled, all that for money...

I tried to find them but never could. They might have a secret base somewhere or maybe many basements implanted everywhere.

But this mutation isn't that bad, especially when you get to control your new abilities. In my monster form I look like Godzilla, so tail, spikes and all. Guess the scientists or their superiors were kaiju fans. I can shoot...hum...I don't really know what it is but it looks like Godzilla's 'Atomic Breath' (I don't think it's as destructive though) and I can shoot this like plasma bolts or like a ray with my mouth. But I mostly fire it like a ray, more effective and thus useful.
And it can't really be called 'Atomic Breath' since it isn't really like the Atomic Breath, but more like some sort of 'Atomic Blast'.

In my human form, I'm looking the same, nothing really changed about my body. I now have enhanced speed, strenght, durability and stamina (in my kaiju form too but that was obvious) and I can still shoot thing, I'm gonna call this "Plasma" ok? So I can fire my plasma with my mouth but it is a lot weaker so I don't really use it, unless I want to lit a fire.

Because of my mutation, I no longer live in the city. Now that I control my powers, I could go back there but I'd rather stay here. On my deserted island.

I know, I know, it kinda sounds awful but it's actually pretty good living here. There are fruits I had never heard of, and if ever I want to eat fish, I go swim a little in my "Godzilla" form and try to put the most fish I can in my jaw and eat them once on the beach in my human form, or I can just go a little deeper in the sea and eat sharks or squids.

And there is wifi!

I have a wireless radio so I can listen to music while relaxing and be aware if a monster appear somewhere.

Right now, I'm relaxing a bit, listening to "Me against the world" by Simple Plan, I was singing a little along. Oh! Almost the end! I love that final part!: "Me against the woooorrrrllddd🎵I'm a nightmare!🎶 A disaster! 🎵🎶🎵🎶 I'm a lost cause!🎵 Not a hero!🎶 But I'll make it on my own!"

And just when the best part was about to begin, the song was interrupted by a reporter or something.
"DAMN IT! Seriously!?", I yelled, "better be important!"

"...a giant Octopus is attacking the city after emerging from the sea and wrecking the harbor!"

"Really!? The only day I actually wanted to do nothing!" I yelled once again
And, an octopus? Hope it won't turn out to be like those doujinshi I read a while ago...

Welp! This looks like a job for... nevermind, I don't need a hero name.

I ran to the sea and transformed once underwater so I could swim faster. I know that reporter, not personally but I know who he is and where he is working, so that means that the kaiju is attacking the nearest city to my island, still a bit far away though.

Fighting an octopus...that kinda freaks me out but I have to stop that disgusting hentai monster!

A/N: Looking back at it, it's kinda awful for a first chapter...but I'm too lazy to rewrite it. At least it gets better...I think...? Oh yeah, Y/N is a male. Just saying because apparently some people thought Y/N was female despite the fact "Male 2014 Godzilla Reader" is written in the title.

The Monsters Humanity Created: Male 2014 Godzilla Reader X Female GodzillaWhere stories live. Discover now