Chapter 21

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Yep... I've been looking for ways to get some extra practice in before high school tryouts come around in the middle of August... I asked my first select coach if I could practice with his team maybe a couple times and his response was "your team not practicing??" Oh Lord... I show up to every practice, even if its optional! I am going into my freshman year and I want some experience with playing against older girls! Is that a crime???

Chapter 21

Yuppp I chose James... over Jake...

James made me feel like a kid again, and nobody could ever take that feeling away.

I sucked in a breath when I read the text Asia sent me while I was swimming with James:

Asia: I talked to him... im pretty sure he either likes you to no end or he's in love with you!

I had my heart set on staying with James, but my heart cracked a little reading the text.

I quickly called Asia, just to make sure my eyes had read corectly.

"Hey, it's my sexy bitch calling!" Asia cheered into the phone.

"It's my amazing, crazy slut!" I cheered into the phone.

I haven't seen her a only a couple days, yet it felt like we have been apart for weeks.

We liked to call each other rather rude comments, but we knew that the other was only encouraging the other not to turn into one.

"Girl, are you with some guy right now?" she asked.

"Yeah...Why?" I knew she was going to ask for something.

"Jake asked and I said that I didn't know... Ooooh! Send me a pic of you two!" she squealed into the phone with excitement.

"Will do! Call you back in ten," I told her.

"Kk," she said just before I hung up.

I left the bathroom, then went on a search for the love of my life.

He was standing in the middle of the living room, talking to one of his friends.

I stood there, staring at the most perfect guy a girl could ask for, but couldn't help but hide in the hallway and listen to his converstion.

"Yeah dude, don't come over!" he said, oblivious to me being in ear shot.

"What do you mean, why not? I have Lindsay over, and my parents aren't going to be home till late," he spoke into his phone.

"I did tell her, and she said she feels the same way," I smile slid onto his gorgeous face.

I chose right then to sneak up on him.

When I was a couple inches away, I linked my arms around his waist.

One of James's hands slinked its way into my loose grip, intertwining our fingers.

"I got to go, see you around dude," he said before hanging up.

He turned around in my arms, and kissed my nose.

I playfully frowned at him, "No kiss?"

"Ugh, if you insist," he said with a smile, knowing I was just playing with him.

He bent down, and kissed me... Just like the day that I first kissed him after my game.

I couldn't help the smile that found its way onto my lips as we pulled apart, "So who were you talking to?" I asked, I didn't want to be the clingy girlfriend, but curiosity got the cat!

"Remember my friend Wade?" he asked, looking into my eyes with nothing but happiness in them.

I nodded. He was really nice, and he even had a good sense of humor too.

"That was him. He wanted to come over, and I told him my amazingly beautiful girlfriend was over so he wasn't allowed to come over," he told me with a small smile.

I stood on my tip toes and gave James a kiss. He really was too adorable!

"Well that was sweet of you! We should watch a movie!" I said excitedly.

He laced his fingers through mine, and gave a small tug pulling me onto the couch while he got up and started looking through his movies, "Which movie?"

I thought for a minute, "Do you have any Adam Sandler movies?"

He chuckled, "I have Click, Waterboy, and Happy Gilmore." He held up all three movies.

"How about Waterboy?" I suggested.

He let out a soft chuckle putting the movie in, then came over and sat on the couch.

When he pushed play on the remote, he gentley pulled me on his lap.

I rested my head on his shoulder, enjoying being in his presence.

Life couldn't get better, yet sitting here with the love of my life, I knew it could only get better as time went on!


Life sucks, but with time, life gets better!

I wish I get to meet a guy like James when I go out of town with my best friend in a couple days! EEEEPPPPP!

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