Chapter 6~~Meeting James

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I feel bad for Lindsay.... but she doesn't deserve Jacob.... Jacob is a player and doesn't know how to treat girls. Anyway, I'm sorry for not updating sooner.... I've had a lot of homework latey so I couldn't really write anything.



 (On the plane)

I look out the window and see the ocean. I put my book in my bag. I look over at my parents only to see them asleep. Should I wake them up or not? I guess I'll wake them up...

"Hey mum, dad. Wake up. We're going to be landing soon," I shook them lightly, waking them up.


Chapter 6

"What.....?" my mum replied sleepily, fluttering her eyelids open.

"We are going to be landing soon," I told her quietly.

I looked out the window again to see the waves crashing onto the beaches that were packed with many people.

I can't believe my coach finally let the team do a tournament clear across the country! We hve worked our butts off to the point that we could hardly walk the day after we had practice, but scored at least five goals at all of our games. My coach had told us that if we got first place in the Washington State Cup, we could do a tournament in any state that we wanted. We managed to get first place over the whole state.

The very championship was the hardest my team had ever worked; we managed to win our game 4-2. After we shook hands with the other team, my team had gotten into a huddle while our coach went to congradulate the other team's coach for having a good team.

"Where do we want to have our tournament?" Goose asked, after all, she is the team captain.

"Hawaii!" Alivia all but shouted out.

"California!" Grace casually said.

"New Jersey!" Christine shouted. I almost laughed at that because everyon knows that she just wants to meet Snookie from Jersey Shore.

Right then, Goose and I looked at each other thinking it was pointless, then you could almost see a lightbulb go off in our heads, "Why don't we go to Florida?" we asked at the same time.

Everyone looked at each other, trying to see the team's reactions.

Sarah was the first to break the silence, "Yeah! They have extremely hot guys there, and the waves there are killer!"

After that, everyone immediately started saying everything we could do while we were there.

At that point, Goose and I broke away from the huddle and went in search of Jim, our coach.

"JIM!" I all but jumped onto him. What can I say? I was extremely excited because we had just won the championship, both the fall and spring league, and now we were going to Florida.

Jim let out a hearty chuckle at my enthusiasm, (I was always the one on the team who would make everyone's moods go from sad to happy by falling on my face at practice) "Alright, what can I do for you Lindsay?"

"We want to do a tournament in Florida!" Goose and I said at the same time. I was dancing in circles with Goose with as much enthusiasm as we had from all of our victories over the past year.

Jim started laughing at Goose and I dancing with each other, "Well, I did say that you girls could pick a tournament if you guys won state and league... When are we going?"

Right then, Mallory came onto the field with a boombox on her shoulder playing the song 'We are the Champions', with baggy sweats sagging below her butt, and a baseball cap turned sideways.

I immediately went to my soccer bag, dragging Goose behind me, and we put our sweats and baseball caps on the same Mallory did. (We decided to do this if we won the State Cup, so we would always remember the game forever.)

Everyone on the team had the same thing on, so we all got a group picture of all of us (and the State Cup Trophy) with Mallory in the middle (she had the boombox), and we all smiled like idiots at our victory.

~~End of flashback, At the hotel after landing~~

Goose and I were sharing a suite with Sarah, Grace, Jewelia, Bre, and Lexi. We were our own group out of our team, while Alivia, Mallory, Shirley Mae, Miranda, Hannah B., Hannah S., and Christine we sharing the suite next to ours. We chose to do this so we could have movie nights every night while we were here, as a team bonding ordeal. Patricia decided to stay with her mum in the room across from ours.

Goose and I were sharing a bed, Sarah and Jewelia were sharing the bed next to ours, and Grace, Bre, and Lexi were sharing the master bed. After we got situated, Goose and I ran down to the vending machine and stocked up on candy bars, popcorn, and gum. We ran up the stairs, with our arms filled with all of our "necessities", and piled all of the food into the fridge in the room.

We then dragged Grace and Bre to the nearest gas station and bought a couple 12 packs of pop, a couple 36 packs of water (for our games if anybody needs a water), and a box of tampons.

While I took the box of tampons and put them in the cupboard below the sink, Goose and Bre started putting the pops and waters in the fridge.

After that, Goose and I ran to our suitcases and found our bikinis and put them on, then all but ran to the beach. We laid our towels out on the sand, then decided to go for a quick dip in the beautiful ocean, then start to tan.

On the way to running to the water, a volleyball came out of nowhere and hit me on the head, knocking me to the ground.

Goose didn't notice, cause when I looked up to see if she was there, she was in the water coming towards me, obviously just realizing I got hit in the head with a volleyball.

"Oh my gawd! Are you okay?" the guy that I guess hit the ball at me asked concerned.

"Yeah, just got hit on the head by a ball, nothing that hasn't happened before," I answered truthfully. I mean, in soccer, we head the ball all the time, so it really wasn't that big of a deal.

"I'm really sorry about that... Are you sure you're okay?" this guy really does seem like a really nice guy. He offered me his hand to help me up, I took it and pretended to get up but then pulled him down with me. He didn't it at all so he was shocked, but then when the shock washed away, he started chuckling. He got up and pulled up with him, not letting me pull him back down.

"I like you... What's your name?" Mr. Cute-Guy asked me.

"Lindsay, and this is my best friend, Goose. What's your name?" I asked him.

"James. Do you want to join me and my friends in volleyball?" he asked with a hopeful glint in his gorgeous forest green eyes.

I looked to Goose to see if she wanted to, but she answered for us before I could even look at her, "Sure!"

This vacation is starting to be a good idea...


What do you think? My favorite parts are the gangster group picture after winning the State Cup, and then Lindsay meeting James :)

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