Chapter 8~~The question of all time

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I just can't stop thinking that James was a really sweet guy, and the cutest out of all of his friends.

He held my hand as if unsure if I would pull mine out of his, but at the same time sure that I wouldn't pull my hand away.

I took a quick peek at him after a while of watching our friends laugh and splash each other in the beautiful water.

It just so happened that he decided to sneak a peek at me as well, cause when I looked at him he was just turning to me with his mouth opening and closing as if unsure about saying something.

He then gently pulled me towards where we had put our things near our towels.

He looked into my eyes as he spoke, "Lindsay, listen. I've liked you since I first met you this morning. Will you please go on a date with me?"

He looked like a little boy that was eating a cookie asking his mum and dad to get him a puppy. SO CUTE!!

"Truth is, I actually like you, too. When do you want to go on that date?" I asked, feeling my heart start to speed up.

"How about tomorrow at noon?" he had this adorable small smile on his face as he picked a time.

"Sure thing! What type of date is it going to be?" I asked, to try and take a mental note on what type of outfit to wear.

"What type of date?" he asked, clearly a bit confused.

"Yeah... You know, like casual or outdoors...?" I tried to get him to understand.

"Oh! For sure casual," he replied, his grin widening in the process.

"Okay! So should we go for a swim?" I asked feeling a tad eager to hang out with James for the day.

When he chuckled, it was like angels singing, "Okay... Last one there owes the other lunch tomorrow!" he said with a big smile on his face.

I could see in his eyes that he was joking, but I would still win so I wouldn't have to bring lunch.

"Deal," I agreed, with a nod of my head like the fairy godmother in Cinderella does when she does the Bippity-Boppity-Boo.

I took off for the water before he could even register that I agreed, so by the time my toes had reached the cool water, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist.

I knew he had caught me, but I still didn't want him to know I felt like I was in heaven while I was in his arms.

I turned around in his arms to face the god-like face that my heart was starting to race for whenever I saw him; that gorgeous face belonged to none other than James.

"I win... You owe me lunch tomorrow," I couldn't help the smile that was always on my face when I was with James.

"We aren't in the water yet..." As he spoke, he picked me up.

I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist in instinct. I linked my arms around his neck.

He started walking into the water.

It was soothing to know that I could see into James eyes and know that he liked me just as much as I liked him right now.

If I thought this vacation was good, that was unregulated, this vacation was the best ever in my life.


I am starting to think about changing the title and description of this story... Any ideas? I can't really think of anything... :/ I'm all ears for any suggestions! Oh! And thank you guys so much for reading my story!! I can't believe I got over 100 reads :D

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