Chapter 4~~Lunch time confession

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Any comments about what you guys think of my story? I really could care less about votes.. It would be cool if you voted for me, but I really don't mind if you don't vote. :) I just want feedback on what people think of the story...



"Okay...Bye Lindsay," he responded. He leant forward with his arms spread out wide. What can I say? I'm a sucker when it comes to hugs.

"Bye Jake," I responded sadly. I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest.

He unwrapped me from our hug and walked out the door to find his friends.

I could still feel his presense as if he was still hugging me, but my head was on nothing but air. I guess he left. I quickly grabbed my things and left to investigate to find Asia.


Chapter 4

I found Asia...But I was shocked.

I found her, and Bryce, playing tonsil hockey in front of my locker. I really am disturbed. I mean, just think of your best guy friend and your girlfriend...making out in front of your locker with no warning what so ever that this would happen. I am happy for them, but couldn't they do it somewhere else? I don't know, like anywhere that isn't in front of my locker?!

I walked up to them, and coughed. I didn't want to be rude, but we all had to get to U.S. History...and I didn't want to be late because of them.

They broke apart and Asia and Bryce looked over to me and blushed. I guess they didn't see me before.

"Can I get to my locker?" I asked loking everywhere but at them. It was really awkward so I didn't want to make it anymore awkward.

"Sure thing, Lindsay-bird," Asia told me nonchalantly, moving her and Bryce aside. Bryce had his arms around Asia. They looked so cute together!

"Thanks guys," I told them gratefully, flashing them a genuine smile. I quickly put my science textbook and compostion book away and started walking to history.

I put my binder down and looked over to Asia and Bryce (Bryce still was hugging her from behind, and Asia looked really happy...I just hope this won't ruin their friendship if it doesn't work out for the two of them) and they both looked really happy to be together.

"I want all the details at lunch, Asia," I told her, telling her with my eyes that I was really happy for her.

"Sure thing, sugar," she said with a smile on her face.

The teacher came speed walking into class right then. "Alright class, go to your seats. The bell is going to ring any second now." As if on cue, the bell went off...scary!

"Today, we will be working on..." I tuned out after that.

I felt a piece of paper hit the side of my hand. It was a note from Asia.

Asia: I am so bored! I should play Angry Birds!

I <3 Asia...She is always so entertaining even when the class is absolutely BORING!

Me: You should...But don't cuz I dont want u to get in trouble.

Asia: I won't...but its so boring in here!

Me: i know... so whats going on between u and Bryce? last i checked it was just a crush on him...

Asia: umm... im still not sure myself.. I just remember walking to ur locker waiting for u to walk to class, then Bryce came up like normal...then one thing led to another. next thing i know, we r making out.

Me: sorry i was late... I was talking to jake after class. :(

Asia: what happened?

Me: i'll tell u at lunch... 

Asia: kk

I quickly put the note in my binder before the teacher found out we were passing notes in class.

"So your homework will be to practice the Preamble for tomorrow. Remember, it is worth 40 points so get it perfect and you will get all 40 points," the short smurf teacher said. I'm not trying to be mean, but she is a short teacher and she was wearing blue today!

The bell rang, and everyone shuffled out of class. Bryce went downstairs while Asia and I turned right and went to her locker then mine. I put my binder in my locker and grab my lunch. I turn around and Jake is walking down the stairs, always looking at me with a sad glint in his eyes.

"So what's going on between you and Jake?" Asia asked. I could tell it was killing her to know, but I can honestly say I am just as confused as her.

"We almost kissed on the bus yesterday. Since then, he has been acting differently around me," I told her honestly.

"How is he acting differently around you?" she asked sounding confused.

"Well, in science, you know how when we watch a video, nobody watches them?" She nodded her head. "Well, Jake and I were passing a note back and forth... I told him that I was leaving for Florida tonight for a tournament-" I was cut off by Asia.

"What do you mean you're leaving for Florida tonight?" she asked bewildered by the thought that I didn't tell her first.

"I didn't tell you? I have a tournament this weekend and my parents and I are leaving tonight to save ourselves from the drama at soccer... Plus I have a soccer game tomorrow at noon... I don't want to have my legs feeling like jelly right before my soccer game," I told her feeling guilty that I didn't tell her first.

"Oh...I'll miss you," she said glumly. She sounded just like Jake after class when I told him.

"I'll miss you too," I hugged her. I really will miss her, she is like my true sister. Sometime's I think we were separated at birth.

"Does Bryce know?" Asia asked after we separated from our hug.

"No...Only you and Jake know," I said feeling guilty that I hadn't told my best friend's before I told Jake.

Just then, I got a text from Jake.

Jake: I'll miss you.

"Who'd you get a text from?" Asia asked, curiosity clear in her voice.

"Jake," I sighed. He really is sweet...when he wants to be of course.

"Awww! You guys are cute together!" she gushed out. I couldn't help the smile that fell on my face at the thought of Jake and I ever being a couple.

Me: I'll miss you more :)

Jake: There's no way that's possible. I will miss you more than you will ever know! So are we still on for our kiss?

I blushed reading that text from him. 

Me: I haven't gotten any notice from my mum saying that I had to go home straight away...

Jake: So that's a yes?

Me: Yeah :)

"So...what are you and Jake talking about?" Asia asked, clearly interested.

"Um... Jake and I are meeting up after school to kiss.." I mumbled looking at the table, suddenly interested in the patterns on the table.

"Oh cool...Wait. WHAT?!" Asia whisper yelled.


So what do you think? Please leave comments.... I really do want to know if the story is any good :-/

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