Chapter 18

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Thank you if you're still reading this!! Recently l pulled a muscle at soccer, but l've been icing it so it should be better soon! I get out of school today, so l'm finally a high schooler! Woop woop!

Enjoy! :D

Chapter 18

I realize I only have four more days of being in Florida, but I still have butterflies at the thought of James' kisses. I'm telling you, hey could make any girl faint if she wasn't used to them!

I wonder if I could talk my parents into letting me go to a private school down here...

Chances are that they will say yes, but they'll probably miss seeing me everyday.

I'm sure l'll skype them everyday, but then there is also the possibility that Jake and l could get together...

I really could see myself falling for either James or Jake, but the question that still remains is: Who would l be most happy with, in the end?

l haven't even Jake a chance yet, but if l do l'm just afraid of falling hard for him.

I wish that my choice could be made easier, but l'm not really all that sure l would want to try a long distance this with James. What if in the end, he wasn't the one for me, and that Jake was?

Just then, I got a call from Asia. I dashed to my phone, since I hung up the phone after Jake last spoke.

"Yolo, girl!" I cheerfully said into the phone.

"Same to you! Hey l've got to ask you something," she sounded unsure about something, as if she didn't know if I would want to know.

"Ask away girl!" I said with enthusiasm, trying to make the conversation a little more happy.

"Have you and Jake talked? 'Cause he's been moping around the school and he hasn't been acting like his usual self," she explained.

"Define unusual," I told her, trying to pull information out of her.

"He hasn't been hanging out with his friends, and he's been ignoring all his friends. He looks towards your locker every time he passes it in the hall, and l'm pretty sure he's slipped a couple notes into your locker, too. He's even tried to come eat lunch at our table, but it's been super awkward because nobody knows what to say to him," Asia explained.

"Oh," was my smart remark to that.

"So did you talk to him?" Asia asked.

"Yeah, we actually talked yesterday. He tried saying that Alyssa was the one that kissed him when I saw them," l couldn't fight the small tear that leaked from my eye down my cheek.

"l'll talk to him tomorrow, and l'll ask Alyssa too," she stated.

I scoffed at Alyssa's name; l've never really liked Alyssa due to that fact that just last year, she was always making out with a different guy every week right next to my locker.

"Thanks Asia! But you know that l've never really liked her. So what's going on between you and Bryce?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I broke up with him after school. It was just getting awkward between us, but Nate asked me to go to the movies with him this weekend," Asia squealed with delight.

I swear, she goes through guys like I go through soccer cleats; at least a new pair every week or month.

"But it didn't seem awkward before I left!" I feel so out of the social cirlce!

"Yeah, but then when he would walk me to class, we would hug then he would grab my butt... You know how I feel about touching my butt!" she whispered yelled into her phone.

"Yeah, I know. It's private property," I quoted her.

"Alright, I need to go, but I want to see pictures of you and your boy toy when you get back here!" she rushed.

"Deal," l've already taken some pictures with him, but l'll just have to get some more so I will never forget him.

I hung up, then went to my journal I hid under my pillow:

*Just remember, times get hard but things will always turn out for the better.*


My friend Goose and I haven't really been the best of friends lately, and now my coach has apparently noticed as well. To top it all off, my really good friend Stephanie hasn't been coming to school or soccer lately, and I've been really worried lately about her.

Leave comments and vote if you want! Enjoy your day! :D

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