Chapter 19~~Jake's POV :D

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My best friend is going with me to SIlverwood, and before that I get to guest play with my coach's older girls' team... The team is GU17 while I am in GU15 so it's kind of a big deal for me! That is, until I found out that my coach's team went from a whole team to 6 players... So I won't be getting to guest play after all!

Enough about me! I decided to change it up a bit for this chapter since it's always in Lindsay's POV, so it's going to be in somebody she cares for but doesn't quite know yet!

Chapter 19

Jake's POV

I wish she would just come home already!

I just want to tell her that I love her and that I'm just afraid of what people will think of me if I don't hang out with... them...

Yeah, I said the 'L' word, I realized it a month or so ago when Mr. B moved her to my table in science. She looked to adorable whenever she acted shy around us but was exstatic when she was talking with her friend Kylie or Siddha. Every moment, every dream, and every football, baseball, and basketball game was spent thinking of her and the way her smile or lagh brightened up the room.

Okay, so you get the point... At least I hope you do! The point is I am absolutely, positively, madly in love with her. Not the creepy stalker kind of love, but the kind where she invades your every thought of every moment.

The only thing stopping me from telling her was that she thought I kissed Alyssa where we planned on meeting up.

I truly was disgusted with her just thinking back to them.


"Hey Jake," Alyssa tried to wave flirtatiously at me. Yuck! This girl is just a fake Barbie!

"Hey Alyssa," I greeted back.

I was anxious to see Lindsay. Today was going to be the day I finally tell her!

"Did you hear that that Lindsay girl is spreading rumors about you?" she asked, quite snootily if you ask me.

"What has she been saying?" I knew Lindsay wasn't the type to spread rumors about anyone so I wanted to humor myself with Alyssa's attempt at starting a rumor of some sort.

"She was saying how you two almost kissed and stuff," she told me, while looking at her nails.

"And who did she tell this to?" I asked, sounding amused.

"That bitch Asia. You know the one that stole the solo in choir from me?" she stamped her foot, then started twirling a strand of her hair around her finger.

"That so called 'bitch' is Lindsay's best friend. You really have no right calling Asia a bitch," I stuck up for Asia. Alyssa always talks trash about girls to make herself feel better.

"Why are you sticking up for Lindsay?" she asked, sticking her hip out.

"You know what? I gotta go," I walked around her to go find Lindsay.

I felt a hand grab a hold of my arm, causing me to turn towards Alyssa.

I actually expected her to say something, but what I didn't expect was for her to rape my lips with her mouth.

I pushed her away from me, but not fast enough since when I turned around, I saw the love of my life running away from me.

"What the hell Alyssa?" I bellowed at the Babrie, giving her a bewildered look before turning and running after Lindsay.

I saw her get in her car and drive away.

I could swear on my great grandmother's grave that I heard my heart crack.

Uncertain Love TriangleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon