Chapter 5~~Stupid Man-Whore

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I've never actually been to Florida so I don't really know any of the tournaments in Florida... I just needed to think of a state all the way across the country...Florida was the only one that came to mind... Also, this story is almost true for my life, but I actually don't like Jacob Perry... I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, I just haven't been able to think of something to write about... Anyway, enjoy!



"So...what are you and Jake talking about?" Asia asked, clearly interested.

"Um... Jake and I are meeting up after school to kiss.." I mumbled looking at the table, ,suddenly interested in the patterns on the table.

"Oh cool... Wait. WHAT?!" Asia whisper yelled.


Chapter 5

This didn't turn out quite the way I planned it to.

Your probably wondering what I am talking about right? Well, you know how Jake and I were planning on meeting up after school to finish our kiss?

It's not going to happen because I found him and one of his slutty so-called friends making out where Jake and I were going to meet.

Why was I even kidding myself thinking Jake wanted to be with me in the first place? Clearly he treats every girl he gets like a used tissue: he uses it and throws it out and gets a new one. The cycle has never ended and it never will.

I got my phone out to send Jake a text, a silent tear sliding down my cheek and falling on the ground.

Me: So, hows ur make out buddy?

I turn and walked away afraid to let anyone see me like this. Nobody has ever seen me shed a single tear...up until now.

Bryce quickly found me walking upstairs to get my bag out of my locker with my cheeks wet from the tears that had been there only moments ago. "What's wrong?"

"I found douche bag Perry making out with another girl. What do you think is wrong?" my voice broke towards the end.

"I'm truly sorry, Lindsay," he hugged me like a true friend and just let me cry into his shoulder. Asia came upstairs only moments later to see Bryce hugging me, while I was crying.

"What happened, Sugar?" Asia hugged me from behind so that I was inbetween Bryce and Asia. They really are my best friends.

"Douche bag Perry was making out with another girl and I was the one who caught him," I all but croaked like a frog to get the words out.

"Bryce, I can take it from here," Asia told our friend. He let go of me and I looked at the spot where my tears soaked his shirt.

"Thanks babe. I'm really sorry, Lindsay. There are always better guys than that douche bag in the world," he tried cheering me up.

"Thanks Bryce. I think a very needed vacation and a tournament is what I need as of right now. Have a good weekend!" I said with false enthusiasm, slipping a fake smile on my face.

"I'll try, Lindsay. Good luck at your tournament in Forida this weekend!" he cheered with a small smile. I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped my lips. Bryce really does know how to cheer me up.

"Your going to miss your bus if you dont hurry..." I warningly said, the edges of my lips twitching from trying not to smile in all the seriousness I can muster.

He all but took off jogging down the stairs heading to catch his bus.

I turned to Asia, remembering she was there too.

"I'm glad you came to your senses now that he's a douche bag and not later when your heart would have actually been broken," Asia hugged me through all my tears.

"I am too. But I do wonder sometimes how he became so much of a man-whore..." I said my mind wandering way back to try and think of when he was a sweet, innocent little kid.

Asia chuckled at my statement about Jake being a man-whore, "Oh well. Forget him. You can find somebody ten times better than him and you know it. Maybe you'll find somebody on the wrestling team your parents will approve of."

"Maybe." I genuinely smiled thinking of having an amazing boyfriend that does the family sport.

Now before you start thinking that I wrestle, I don't. I honestly don't know why they have to wear singlets. Couldn't they wear a liatard? There's honestly no difference!


(On the plane to Florida)

Before you go thinking I am a complete girly-girl, I'm really not. I act like a guy and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Plane rides are absolutely BORING! Oh well, I have my favorite book, Get That Girl Out of the Boys' Locker Room!

I laugh at the title every time I read it. Who wouldn't laugh a title like that?

I look out the window and see the ocean. I put my book in my bag. I look over at my parents only to see them asleep. Should I wake them up or not? I guess I'll wake them up...

"Hey mum, dad. Wake up. We're going to be landing soon," I shook them lightly, waking them up.


What did you think? I feel sad for Lindsay... But she did need to realize Jake was a no-good douche bag, and not her Prince Charming. Can you leave comments? Thanks :-)

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