Chapter 13

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I guess it's ben a while since I've updated my story.. But during the wait, I've been working on my college journal... So far, I have at least 150 colleges written down, and that's only in Alabama, Alaska, and Arizona! I'm done babbling.. Enjoy!

Chapter 13

It was team movie night in my hotel room, so my whole team was there, including my wacko of a coach. Goose had popped four bags of popcorn for the eighteen girls that were there, including a coach.

The movie ended up being The Smurfs. It was a cute movie, and an even better movie to cuddle up into James' side.

James had to leave after the movie was over, mainly being because it was late and he had to be home before dinner.

 "So..." Goose drawled out after James left. "Are you guys dating?" She sat with her legs crossed, on our bed watching me pick out my clothes for bed.

"Yeah..." I couldn't help the smile that slid onto my face.

"Have you guys kissed yet?" she made kissing noises.

I couldn't help but laugh with her, "Yeah, we kissed after our game. But it was really funny when Jim interrupted  us; he looked like he was doing the Pledge of Allegiance."

"You know, I can't say that I don't believe you. I wonder why he always does stuff like that..." she said, stroking her chin in thought.

I changed into my tank top and pajama shorts; Goose was already in her pajamas.

"Let's go to bed, I need my beauty sleep," I dramtically flipped my hair, causing Goose to laugh.

My dream that night made me second-guess my relationship with James, even if I thought that James and I were meant to be together.

*My dream*

After science was over, Jake called me over to him. 

"Hey Lindsay, do you want to come over after school and help me with the science homework?" Jake asked, reaching for my hand and lacing his fingers through mine.

"I'd love to, but I need to tell my mum and dad first," I told him.

"Great, just let me know if you can," he gave my hand a quick squeeze.

"Alright. So who all is going to be there?" my heart was pounding at the thought of hanging out with Jake outside of school.

"Just us, why?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. He looked amazingly adorable on him when he cocked his head to the side.

"Just wondering," I looked at the clock, realizing that we only had two minutes to get to class on time.

I gave him a quick peck on his cheek, telling him that my parents more than likely wouldn't care if I went over to his place.

Flash forward three hours, and an "I dont care if you go to Jake's house" message from both my parents, I was with Jake in his parents Jeep on the way to his house.

His house was gorgeous, on the inside and out. His room was really big, but it was a typical guy's room. His walls were all white, his hardwood floors had a beige rug laying on his floor. His bed had a navy blue comforter and pillows all made up on his bed. 

If I thought Jake was perfect at school with his group of friends, I was wrong. His room looked like not one thing was out of place, and I only just got here!

He dropped his bag on the floor infront of his bed, sitting on his bed in the process, "Did your parents say what time you had to be home at?"

I copied his movements, but sitting next to him, "Not really, why? What did you have planned?" 

He inched closer towards me, lacing his fingers with my hand closest towards him, "If we finish with our homework early, I thought we could get to know each other better."

He leaned towards me, sneaking peeks towards me lips.

My breathing was becoming faster the closer he got towards my lips.

I could feel his sweet breathe on my mouth...


*End of dream*

Goose was shaking me awake. Oh! And she had my phone in my face, which had the alarm clock going off. Did I mention that it was 6:30 in the morning?

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