Chapter 20

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We won a game, tied a game, then lost a game... in that order too... College Showcase, I went home and cried, frusrated with the girls on my team, but what got me through it was knowing a college coach saying I was really good!(:

High school is a month around the corner, so I've got to shine all the way from now until tryouts all the way to when college comes around in a little over 4 years... Time to start living the dream!

Everything is in Lindsay's POV unless I say if it's somebody else's...

Chapter 20

I don't know how, but I'm glad I came here.

James took me out on another date, but this time it was to his beach house, where the part of the beach was secluded to where nobody was allowed to go.

We had decided on making dinner together, since we both loved to cook.

So we ended up making pasta and homemade cheesy-garlic bread.

We had a fun time making it, and afterwards we washed all the dishes we used.

I gave him a quick peck on his lips, then left to go to his room to quickly change into my bikini.

It consisted of a white top with orange flowers on it, then the bottoms were orange with a white flower on one butt cheek... Wierd, I know but I promise it's cute!

I heard a knock on the door just then, so I called out, "Who is it?"

"It's me, babe," he replied through the door.

I hit myself on the head for forgetting I was in James' room.

"I just need another minute, then I'll be out, 'kay?" I called to him.

"Alright, but hurry up! I want to see my smoking hot girlfriend in a bikini," he said through the door. I could only imagine the size of the smirk on his face.

I quickly put my bikini on, then put my bootie shorts back on, then my flowy blue tank top on.

I walked to the door, then opened it and hid behind the door.

"Babe, what are you doing?" he asked, as he put his hands to either side of my head.

I evilly grinned up towards him, "Nothing much, but what's taking you so long to get ready?" I winked at him, while taking his shirt off for him.

He chuckled, "What are you doing Lindsay?"

"Just taking off your shirt since your so slow," I whispered, then kissed him.

"Well, then thank you for the help," he kissed me on my nose, then went to his walk-in closet and changed, of course closing the door after him while he changed.

He opened the door dramatically, then came out with a long sleeved shirt tied loosely around his neck, making the shirt look like a cape.

"Oh, my hero!" I dramatically said, putting my hand over my heart.

"My dear lady, is something wrong?" he rushed over to me, with a serious look on his face. I could see right through it though, since the corner of his mouth kept twitching.

"Yes," I sighed, "My incredibly hot boyfriend is missing! I was going to tell him some incredible news, but he is nowhere to be seen. Can you find him?" I went and lyed down on his bed, facing my super hero.

He dashed into his closet. You could here stuff falling on the floor, then I could see my gorgeous boyfriend pop his head out, with a smile on his face, "You rung?"

"Why yes, my dear. What time are your parents going to be home?" I asked in a British accent.

"Not until late, why?" he had a smirk slowly forming on his face, and he gradually made his way over towards me.

I sat up, with my legs dangling over the edge of his bed, "Oh, no reason."

When he was standing in front of me, I wrapped my legs around his torso, and my legs around his neck.

"You know, I'm thrilled that you want to do this and all, but I don't think I'm ready," he said shyly.

I looked into his eyes, "What are you talking about?" I creased my eyebrow in confusion.

"You know, have sex," he said, looking into my eyes, a blush rising on his face.

"Me neither! I was actually going to ask if you could give me a piggy back ride to the beach!" I flashed him my cheesy grin, knowing I got him to think exactly what I wanted to.

"You are such a tease! Of course I'll give my beautiful girlfriend a piggy back ride to the beach," he told me, kissing me, before turning around so I could get on his back.

"Weeeeee!" I said when I got on his back, then I switched to leaving little kisses on his ears and exposed neck.

I heard him groan, which caused me to grin in triumph.

When we reached the beach he let me down, then turned around and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You are such a tease, and for that you will pay," he whispered in my ear, then left a trail of kisses down my neck, then nimbled playfully with my sweet spot.

I moaned in appriciation, exposing more of my neck for him.

I closed my eyes, then I felt his pressence leave.

I opened my eyes to see him running into the water, leaving his shirt behind him.

I ran after him, leaving a trail consisting of my tank top and shorts towards the water.

I caught up with him, and wrapped my arms around his neck, "You know, I am slowly falling for you."

"I'm glad it's not just me then," he kissed me. "I love you Lindsay."

I looked into his eyes, only to be found with love shining in his eyes.

"I love you too, James," I told him, knowing I meant every word I said.

We kissed right then and there.

The moment was perfect, and the guy I was in love with was perfect...

My life couldn't get any better than it already is as of right now!


My life has been pretty rocky lately, and this story helps me realize I have dreams of my own where everything can be perfect, aside from little problems.

Life in my little town is tough; the varsity high school coach pretty much only likes girls who are from three main clubs, and then on my team, I have no real friends on my team.

I went from having friends on my team, to none within a month and I dont know why.

Uncertain Love TriangleМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя