Chapter 44: Quality time

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Jesse's POV

I was waiting for Joyce and Nicole at our usual spot for lunch. I was on a bench, just outside school. Over here it'd be more peaceful and quieter.

Normally I'd enjoy and look at the environment. But not today. Today I was too focused on my phone, reading the texts mom sent me. She was keeping me updated on her day out with Sid. And judging by the texts, Sid's enjoying herself.

"Hey Jess," I looked up, seeing them both. "How's Sid doing?"

"Good," I smiled and put my phone away. "Mom took her out shopping. I bet she's happy she can finally do that."

Joyce looked from me to Nicole, then back to me. "None of you want to go out shopping with your mom?"

"Nope," Nicole sat down. "Mom wants to go to so many places. Besides, she doesn't know what we like."

"And she does for Sid?" Joyce asked me.

I shrugged. "I'm not worried, Sid knows what she wants and she'll take what she wants."


Sidney's POV

"Oh Sidney that looks absolutely marvelous!" Mom admired the dress she had made me try. A dress I would never wear.

I looked myself in the mirror. "It is a beautiful dress," I then looked at her. "But I don't like it."

Mom's smile faded immediately. "Why not?"

"I don't like how it looks on me." I then motioned to my shoulders and chest. "Too much cleavage."

That's when mom smiled and nodded. "You're perfect for my daughter."

I smiled but wasn't sure if that was a compliment or a sarcastic comment...

"Hand it to me, I have the perfect dress for you."

I nodded and went back behind the curtains. I quickly got out of the dress and handed it over to mom while she handed me a new dress.

I looked at it, it didn't look that bad. So I tried it on.

"And?" Mom asked excitedly on the other side of the curtain.

I opened the curtain and revealed myself. "I like this one better."

Mom smiled as she saw me. "Yes, that looks better." She went around me, looking at this dress on me from different angles. "I bet Jesse would love this."

I blushed a bit. "I hope so."

"Of course." She then stopped right in front of me. "Jesse loves everything about you, so with or without that dress, you're all she wants."

I smiled. "Thank you."

Mom smiled and then took another piece of clothing. "What about this shirt?"

"Oh, that looks great." I smiled and got back into the changing room. "You have great taste, mom."

"Finally someone sees that."


"So where are we going now?"

"We're going to have lunch," She then looked at me. "Aren't you hungry?"

I looked down, at my belly. Am I hungry? It's still a weird feeling for me. In my previous world, I didn't have human needs, such as hunger, thirst, bladder, warmth... I was good.

Without waiting for my answer, mom pulled me, and our 3 shopping bags, to a restaurant. We sat down in a nice and comfortable booth.

Mom handed me the menu and then looked at another one herself. She was quickly analyzing all the food that was on it, but to me once again some things I simply didn't know what they were. So I did what I always did, I just picked something that sounded good. Usually that went well...

"And, do you know what you'll get?" Mom put her menu down, signalizing the waiter in the process.

"Yeah," I looked at the menu, pointing to the food I was going to take. "I'm thinking this." I then looked at her, as if asking for her approval.

She smiled and nodded. "Jesse loves that too." Then she looked at the waiter and placed our orders.

I smiled, knowing I once again chose something Jesse would love. I don't know how I do that, maybe it's our special connection?

"So," Mom looked at me. "Tell me about yourself."

"Like what?"

"Anything," She smiled. "I'd like to get to know you better."

I smiled then, that was nice. "I come from Jesse's dream, I'm 21 years old apparently and I love moving pictures."

Mom chuckled. "So I heard. And how was your life in your previous world?"

"Jesse's dream?" I asked to which mom nodded. "Good, but lonely."


I nodded. "Whenever Jesse wasn't around, I felt lonely."

"Ah like that... But couldn't you go to your friends or family?"

I took a moment to think about that question. "My friends or family?"

Mom nodded.

"But you're all in this world..." I was so confused. "I don't understand..."

"I mean," Mom placed her hand on mine, as if comforting me. "When Jesse wasn't around, who did you go to?"

"The magic tree," I smiled but it soon faded, realizing it was dead... "That was my sole companion there."

Mom's eyebrows raised. "There was no one else there? Just you and a tree?"

I nodded.

She didn't seem to know that before.

"So I'm happy to be with my family now." I smiled as I held her hand. "Now I feel like I belong somewhere. And that's the best feeling there is."

Mom smiled. "That's good, that's really good." We then got our drinks. Mom took a sip of her red wine. "So," She wiped her mouth. "Tell me more about you and Jesse."

I sat up, finally a subject I knew a lot about. "What do you want to hear?"

Mom scooted closer, seemingly very interested. "Everything. How did you and Jesse meet?"

I smiled as I thought back about that very first moment I laid my eyes on Jesse. I could describe that scene, that moment in every detail. And that's exactly what I did then.

I explained mom how Jesse was sitting by the magic tree, how she was feeling lonely and misunderstood. How she wanted someone to be there for her, how she wished for me to be there. And so I was brought into her dreams.

"And the moment we locked eyes, we immediately felt a connection to one another," I continued, seeing mom listen very interested. "And that connection grew, got stronger and became unbreakable." I paused, smiling. "When Jesse wished for me to be with her here, the magic tree used its last power to bring me here. And so here I am."

"And you can never return?" Mom asked, but soon added: "I mean, we won't lose you anymore?"

"No," I smiled, I loved that she didn't want to lose me. "I won't ever leave Jesse alone. I'll stay with her forever. I promise."

Mom nodded. "Good," She squeezed my hand a little. "That's exactly what I needed to hear."

Right then our lunch was served, and we could finally eat.

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