Chapter 1: It was only just a dream

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Jesse's POV


I laughed as I ran away from her. "Catch me if you can, babe!"

"I'll get you!"

I looked behind me, and saw she was determined to get to me. I laughed and ran away, to our little house.

I entered and fell down onto the bed, laughing and resting. "There you are." she said as she slowly crawled towards me. "How dare you run away from me?"

I laughed.

"Oh laughing at me, huh?" She started tickling me, making me laugh even more. "Who's laughing now, huh?"

I laughed and laughed, until she finally stopped.

She caressed my cheek and rested her forehead against mine. She sighed deep, her eyes closed. "I love you, Jesse. So much."

I wrapped my arms and legs around her, I wanted her closer to me, I needed her closer to me. "I love you too, Sidney. So much."

Sid looked me in the eyes. It was one of those looks that you'd only get from the love of your life. A look that said it all. A look that made you feel safe, loved and wanted. A look that made you feel happy and complete. "I don't want you to leave again."

"I don't want that either." We both sighed. "But I'll come back again, tomorrow."


I nodded. "Of course." I caressed her back, slowly feeling the softness of her body. "I wouldn't want to miss any time with you."

She smiled a little. "I don't want that either."

"I'll hurry, ok?"

She chuckled a little. "You better."

I sighed. "I have to go now."

She nodded, and slowly went off me.

I got up, put on my shoes and jacket. I walked to the door and looked at the tree. The tree of our house, our lives, our love. It was our everything. I looked back at Sid. "Aren't you coming?"

She looked at me, nodding. I knew she was sad to see me go, but I had no choice. I wish I did, my choice would've been made fast.

She walked to me and held my hand in hers, our fingers intertwined. We walked to the big tree, our tree. I saw the moon shining over the land. I looked at Sid. "It's time."

She nodded, but looked down.

"Hey," I said, taking her chin so she'd look at me. "I'll return, like I always do."

She nodded.

"I love you, Sid."

She looked at me. "I love you too, Jess." She leaned in and slowly connected our lips, into yet another passionate kiss underneath our tree.


"Jesse, wake up!"

I shot up. I looked around, and sighed. Why did I have to wake up? Why? Why? Why? I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be with Sid. She's my love, my life, my everything. I don't need anything here.


"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I got up. I quickly looked for clothes to wear. I got dressed and went downstairs. I sat down at the kitchen table and sighed.

"Well well, someone's not in a good mood." Nicole, my little sister, said. Ugh at moments like this I couldn't stand her. I mean don't get me wrong, I love her. But she can be so annoying, like a Miss-know-it-all.

"Just not a good day."

"Oh honey, didn't you sleep well?" mom asked as she gave me my lunch.

I huffed, if only she knew my dreams... "I slept good, mom." Great even, I thought. But I couldn't tell them that, they'd laugh at me. Or worse, they'd think I'm crazy.

Suddenly there was a honk outside. "Oh that must be Joyce." Nicole said, getting up immediately. "Bye mom and dad, we'll see you tonight." she said, kissing them both and left. "Jess, hurry!"

I groaned and got up. I didn't even have breakfast...

"Here take this, honey." mom said, handing me a croissant.

I showed her a small smile. "Thanks mom." I kissed her and dad goodbye and left. I walked to Joyce's car and entered. In there Joyce and Nicole were getting it on.

Yes, Nicole was dating Joyce. Just a little backstory for you all: Nicole, my little sister, decided it was a great idea to be dating Joyce, my best friend. So now it was always the three of us, which was super awkward at times... I mean I was basically the third wheel.

Like now... "Girls, can we go, please?"

"Sure, Jess." Joyce said, starting the engine. Nicole however wasn't too pleased with that, I bet she wanted more but come on. "So, how's it going with you two?"

I admired Joyce's positive attitude. She always tried getting everyone comfortable, it was nice having her around. I mean that's why she's my best friend. "I'm fine."

"Jess is super moody." Nicole said, looking at me. "But she always is when she wakes up."

"Is life bad for you, Jess?" Joyce asked, she sounded worried. "I mean we're here for you, if you want to talk."

I smiled a little, it was nice to hear that. "I know. And don't worry, everything's fine."

Joyce glanced at me through her mirror but didn't ask further questions. 

We finally made it to school and a new day started, yet another exhausting and terrible day. I didn't have any problems at school with anyone. I just... I was always looking forward to going back to bed. Because that's when I'd be with the one I love, that's when I'd be with my love, my life, my everything.

I couldn't wait to see her again.

In my dreams.


Hey everyone, and welcome to this new story. This one will be one I came up with before bed, because I always dream about people being in love...  I hope you'll enjoy :) This story will be updated every Friday.

Thanks for the reads, votes and comments! :)

- LxT4ever

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