Chapter 12: Where are you?

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Sidney's POV

I was walking around the tree and my house, our house. I smiled. I couldn't wait until Jesse came home. It's almost time.

I looked at the sun, it was slowly rising. She should be here in the next few minutes. And I can't wait for it.

I had so much planned. We could go swim in the ocean, or go for another walk. Maybe we could go hiking or go for a bike-ride. Endless possibilities.

I'll make her smile again. Yesterday she was so upset, and I felt so bad for not being able to do anything. How I wish I could join her in the real world. In her world. I'd keep everyone away from her, because she's mine.

I watched my watch, it was time. I smiled and hurried back home, I ran. I opened the door and entered, running to the bedroom. She'd always appear there. "Jesse?"

I entered, smiling, but that faded when I saw she wasn't there...

"Jesse?" Where is she?

I looked around, for clues, but found nothing.

I laid down on the bed, waiting. I looked at her side of the bed, feeling it slowly. It was cold. I needed her to warm it up for me.

Where are you, Jesse?


Jesse's POV

I'm right here, Sid

I sighed. I felt it, I knew she needed me, I knew she was looking for me. And I failed her, I didn't visit her last night.

For some reason - unknown to me - I didn't see her... I don't understand. I wonder... I wonder if something changed.

"Hey Jess."

I looked up, smiling. "Hey Jacob."

"So," He wrapped his arm around me as we walked to school. "How did your parents react?"

I let out a chuckle. "They fell for it. I guess they were really desperate to get me a boyfriend." I looked at him. "Isn't that sad?"

He shrugged. "They don't know any better."

I looked down again. "I guess."

We walked to school. When we arrived, he took my hand. When I looked at him, wanting to ask about it, he smiled. He reassured me this was to make it seem more believable. And to keep Elliot away from me.

I believed him.

We were at my locker. I was busy getting stuff I needed, he was leaning on lockers next to mine. He was just looking at me and, I had to admit, at some point it felt weird.

"Jacob," I closed my locker a little, to have a better look at him. "What's wrong? You keep on looking at me like that."

He smiled. "I'm just making sure."

"Making sure of what?"

He motioned at a certain direction with his head. I looked behind me, to that direction, and saw Elliot and his gang. They were eyeing me.

I turned back around, to look at Jacob. "What if they come on to me?"

He came closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist while his head was resting on my shoulder. "I won't let them do that."

I had to admit, having him this close... It was weird. I like him, he's a great friend. But this was just weird. "Thanks." I backed off. I closed my locker and looked at him. "Shall we?"

He nodded. "We shall." He took my hand and walked me to class. I swear if I was straight, he'd be my number one choice. But for now, I'll enjoy this fake relationship. It has good points as well.


During lunch we met up with Joyce at our table. I was so happy to see she was alone, without Nicole.

"Hey Joyce." I smiled.

She smiled as well. "Hey you two, lovebirds."

Jacob and me sat down. "You know it's fake." I said, giving her a look. "Jacob's helping me."

She nodded. "And that's super sweet of him."

Jacob smiled. "It's my duty, as a best friend."

"Mhm." Joyce smiled, a playful hint in her eyes. I don't think Jacob knew this, but to me that meant something. Joyce was thinking of something.

"So, is Nicole coming?" Jacob asked, making me sigh. Why did he have to go there? We're good like this, just us three, like the good old days. I really miss those days.

"Yes," She looked at her phone. "Any minute now." And that I hate too. She's always busy with Nicole. She's constantly on her phone, either texting or calling my sister. It's just weird, in a way.

I glanced at Jacob, and saw him already looking at me. His look said it all, he felt bad. It's funny how he could see I hated this but Joyce and Nicole couldn't. They just don't care about anything else.

"Joyce," Jacob started, making both Joyce and me look at him. "Why don't we hang out, just the three of us?"

I smiled, I knew what he was trying to do. I looked at Joyce. "That'd be so much fun."

Jacob nodded. "What about tonight?"

Joyce looked at her phone. "Uhm that looks fine." She then looked up. "Let's do that." She smiled.

We all smiled until...

"Hey everyone!" Nicole walked to Joyce and sat on her lap, they immediately started making out.

Jacob and me backed off and looked away. "I'm nearly losing my appetite."

"I already lost it."

He chuckled. "Well at least we'll hang out together."

I smiled. "Yes, thanks to you."

He smiled. "I knew you wanted that for a while now. And it has been a while since the last time."

I huffed. "It's all my needy sister's fault."

He nodded. "So, do you want to get out of here? Maybe go for a walk?"

I looked at Joyce and Nicole, they were still going at it. Then I looked at Jacob. "Let's."

We both got up and left the cafeteria. Jacob held my hand again, he had a strong grip on me and held me close.

"Hey Jacob?"

He looked at me.

"Why are you so affectionate?" I motioned to our hands. "You know this is fake?"

He looked away but nodded. "I want to make it seem real."

I nodded. "I figured." I leaned in closer to him and let him lead us the way.

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