Chapter 19: My Sidney

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Jesse's POV

"Thanks for the dinner, it was delicious." Jacob said to my parents as he was preparing himself to leave.

"You're very welcome." mom said, she was proud. Her food was indeed amazing. She really outdid herself tonight. "Come by any time."

"I will."

I walked Jacob to the front door, without my parents. "So, that went better than expected." I smiled a little. "I'm glad it's over."

Jacob put on his jacket. "There'll be more amazing occasions just like this." He smiled at me. "Goodnight, Jess." He slowly leaned in closer, looking directly at my lips. I knew where this was going...

I looked away, giving him the sign I wasn't ready for that yet. "Goodnight, Jacob."

He smiled a little and then left.

I closed the door behind him and leaned against it, sighing deeply. I don't know if I want to have more of these kinds of dinners... They felt so fake. Like everyone knew what to say or do beforehand, well except me. I always fail at these types of things.

I slowly made my way up the stairs. As I walked past Nicole's bedroom, the door opened, revealing Nicole and Joyce.

"Hey Jesse." Nicole said, a hint of something in her eyes. But I couldn't quite make out what it was. "Can we talk to you?"

I sighed. "I'm actually pretty tired, can we talk tomorrow instead?"

Joyce and Nicole looked at each other then nodded, then they looked at me and pulled me inside Nicole's bedroom. They made me sit in a chair and stood in front of me, their arms crossed. I really felt like I did something wrong, or something bad was going to happen.

"What is it?"

"Jesse," Nicole started, then looked at Joyce before looking back at me. "Joyce and me agree that you clearly lost your way."

I raised my eyebrows. "I lost my way?"

They both nodded.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you agreed on dating Jacob." Joyce said, making us all look at her. "And we all know you don't like him that way."

I sighed and looked down. "He's a good guy."

"He is, Jess, but he's not the one for you."

I looked at them. "Everyone's happy."

Nicole laughed humorless. "We aren't." At that I looked down. "Jess, you're ruining your chance of true happiness. Don't do this to yourself."

"Listen, we want to help you find Sidney." 

At that I looked up. "How?"

They both sat down in front of me. "Why don't you tell us about her?"

I looked at the both of them, were they really interested in Sidney? They never were before... "Like what?"

"Anything." Joyce smiled.

I looked down, already smiling at the thought of Sidney. "She... She's the most beautiful person I've met. She has a beautiful soul and great personality, a very caring heart and amazing empathetic skills. She really cares about me, she shows it in her way of being around me."

"Have you ever met someone like her, in this world?"

I shook my head no. "No one came even close."

"Ok, continue."

"Whenever we'd see each other, she'd run to me and catch me. She'd never let me go and I'd feel so safe in her embrace. I knew that nothing would happen as long as she'd be there."

"Maybe you missed this kind of mother figure in your life and portrayed it on Sidney?"

I looked up at them, and now noticed Joyce writing things down. "What do you mean?"

"Maybe you missed a mother and created one in your dreams." Nicole explained. "It could be, right?"

"I slept with Sidney as well."

At that both of their eyes widened. "Scratch that idea." Nicole said to Joyce, who then scribbled something on the paper she was holding.

"And what about a teacher?" Joyce asked, to which Nicole nodded.

"I have never spend time with any teacher to really get to know them." I looked down. "The only person that came close to Sid..."


I looked up at them. "Jacob."

Both of them looked at the paper, then scribbled something down on it and then looked at me again. "What does she look like?"

"She's slightly taller than me, not too much though. She has long chocolate brown hair, beautiful hazel-brown eyes and bright red lips."

"She wears lipstick?"

I looked at them, that was a good question. Was she wearing lipstick? "I don't know."

Nicole raised an eyebrow but looked at the paper as Joyce wrote something down on it. "And what about her skin?"


"Is she like yours?" Joyce asked which made me look at my own skin, but I immediately shook my head. "Or like mine?"

"Or like mine?" Nicole added.

"Kinda like Joyce."

Joyce and Nicole looked at Joyce and then nodded, they once again wrote something down on the paper. "What about her age?"

"Is she about our age or older or younger?"

"She's older."

Joyce nodded and wrote it down while Nicole smirked, she was going to tease me with this somehow. And yes, she's able to do that. She can tease me with any information she gets. It's one of her talents.

"Do you know her exact age?" Joyce asked as she was ready writing down whatever she was writing.

I nodded. "She's 21."

Joyce looked down and wrote something again.

"Wow... 21... Nice." Nicole smirked. Yep, she's going to tease me with this.

They were now both looking at the paper. Then they suddenly looked up at me, smiling. "Do you have anything to add to this description?"

I slowly shook my head no.

"Ok," Nicole took the piece of paper and held it in front of her. "So Sidney is a 21 year old woman with brown hair, brown eyes and red lips. She's slightly taller than you and has Joyce's skin tone." Afterwards she looked up at me.

I nodded. "That seems like her, yes. But why did we have to do this?"

"Well we're going to find her." Nicole got up, pulling Joyce up as well.


"Looking for her, putting posters up, looking through social media... We'll find your girl." She then smiled at me. "We'll help you."

"Thank you."

"Of course."

I slowly made my way to the door. "I'll see you two tomorrow."

"Yes," They smiled as I walked outside, into the hallway. "Goodnight, Jess."

"Night." I then closed the door and made my way to my own bedroom. I opened the door and immediately laid down on my bed. I let out a deep breath, I was exhausted.

Goodnight, Sid. I love you.

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