Chapter 10: The lie

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Jesse's POV

A mark... That jerk marked me!

I started rubbing over it with dry tissues, wet tissues, my hands... I was just hoping to get rid of that mark. How dare he do that to me?

After a while, I stopped. I figured it didn't work, it wouldn't come off. I looked at myself in the mirror, and saw that the mark was pretty visible.

I pulled my sweater up, trying to cover it up as much as possible. Then I walked out, and headed to class.


"Jess, wait up!"

I started walking faster, I didn't want them to see the mark. I had been avoiding my friends, and Nicole, the whole day now. They must wonder why.

"Jess!" Jacob finally got a hold of me. "Why were you running away?" He smiled at me until he saw my face. "What's wrong?"

I shrugged him off and continued walking, my face hidden.

"Jess!" He ran after me, again. "Jess, what's wrong?"

Suddenly I got pulled aside. "Well hello, babe."

Because of this, Jacob caught up with us. "Elliot?" He looked surprised from Elliot to me, as if asking me what was happening here. "I thought you said you cancelled this because of - "

"Now why would she cancel this?" Elliot said, taking me closer to him. "Doesn't seem like she can get much better, does it?" He chuckled.

Jacob looked at me. "Jess?"

I looked at Jacob then at Elliot. "I did want to cancel, I don't like you in that way. Besides," I pushed him off. "I'm in love with someone else."

He looked from Jacob to me, and then suddenly started laughing. It slowly got louder and louder.

"W-what's so funny?"

He slowly stopped and then looked at me. "Ok," He stood back up, regaining his composure. "Looking at him... He's nothing compared to me."

I looked from him to Jacob and back. "He's so much more than you."

"He can't offer you the things I can. I got money, houses, private jet, a yacht, a - "

"Elliot," I got pretty annoyed by his enormous ego. "I don't care about that."

He gasped. "How can you not?"

Jacob rolled his eyes, which I totally understood. "We'll have this date another time." I took Jacob's hand and pulled him with me.

"Whatever." Elliot muttered as I passed by. He's such a jerk, I hate him. I'm still hoping to get this date cancelled. But how?

Jacob and me walked to my house. Along the way, we slowed down our pace. I had my hands buried in my sleeves and looked down, while Jacob was whistling softly.

"Jesse," He finally said, breaking the awkward silence. "What was that?"

I shrugged. "That was Elliot in all his glory." I sighed deeply. "And I'm going on a date with him..."

Jacob wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. "It's going to be alright."

I shook my head. "It isn't." I sighed. "Only Sid can save me."


"I know," I sighed again. I hate that he doesn't believe me. I know that my explanation is ridiculous, but Sid is real. I know she is, she has to be. "I'm just saying."

He nodded.

"I just need someone to save me from that jerk. Someone that... I don't know... Could replace him in some way." I sighed once again. "This sounds stupid."

Suddenly we stopped walking, Jacob faced me. "Jess, that's brilliant!"

"Oh yeah?"

He nodded.

"What is?"

He chuckled. "We're going to date."

I blinked at that. Did he just say what I think he said? "What?"

"Think about it, you'd be dating me so you can't go on a date with Elliot. Your parents would be cruel to force you then." He smiled. "I mean, all they want is for you to be straight. Well here I am."

I thought about it. If we'd pretend to be dating, my parents would indeed be happy that I'm dating a guy. Maybe they'll stop complaining about Elliot... Maybe this is the solution I'm looking for... I smiled and nodded, slowly. "Ok."

He smiled and hugged me. "I'll be the best boyfriend you'll have."

I backed off and nudged him. "The only boyfriend I'll have."


"Jesse, finally." Mom immediately came to me, inspecting me.

"Mom," I pulled her hands off of me. "I'm fine."

"We were worried, honey." dad said, appearing from the kitchen. "Your sister has been home for a while now."

"We thought you two would come home together."

I smiled and looked down, it had to look convincing. "Uhm mom and dad... I want to tell you something important."

They both nodded, but looked worried.

I looked up at them. "Me and Jacob..." I motioned with my eyes, hoping to not have to say this. Even though I loved him, as a friend, it still felt weird to say it out loud.

"You and him...?"

I sighed, of course... "We're... Dating..." I looked up at them, smiling a little. "We're dating." I said more confident this time.

Mom and dad's eyebrows raised. They seemed surprised, but not angry. Which was a good sign, for me.

"So, I'd like to cancel my date with Elliot."

They looked at each other, before looking back at me. "So you and Jacob are official?"

I nodded. "We are. And I don't want to cheat on him."

They both nodded. "Ok," Dad started, making me feeling so good and relieved. "We'll cancel the date with Elliot."

I smiled. "Thank you." I hugged them both.

"But," dad said, making me back off to have a better look at him. "We want to meet the guy."

"But dad, you already know Jacob."

"But not as your boyfriend, honey." he said to which mom nodded. "So bring him for dinner."

"Oh I already know what I'll make for him."

I gulped. "It's just Jacob, don't bother doing too much. You didn't do that for Joyce either."

They nodded. "But you're dating a guy." They smiled. "Finally you're doing what's best for you."

"Yeah..." I looked down. "I'm going to my room."

"Ok." Mom kissed my cheek. "I'm so proud of you."

I smiled a little and then walked upstairs, to my room. I entered and closed the door behind me, I sighed. It's so sad that they're proud of me now, when I have to lie to them...

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