Chapter 24: Adjusting to reality

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Sidney's POV

I kept looking at him, while he was just sitting there. He was busy on the same thing as before. I wonder what it was... And whatever it was, he was very focused on it.

After quite a while, I lost interest. I pulled back and went back to Jesse's room. I looked around some more before lying down again.

And when I went back to the window after some time, I noticed he was still sitting there. How can he still be there? I know it must've been at least an hour...

Suddenly I saw three girls, including Jesse, approach the house. The guy got up and talked to them, I couldn't hear what was being said though.

I knew now that that guy was someone Jesse knew, it had to be Elliot or Jacob. And by the looks of their greeting, it had to be Jacob.

Suddenly Jacob pointed up here, to which I quickly hid myself. I don't know what happened afterwards.

But when I heard the stairs and talking coming closer, I knew they were coming here. I looked around and hid underneath the bed. Thankfully an extra blanket was there, so I hid myself underneath that.

When the door opened, I kept quiet. I tried my best to breath quietly and slowly.

"See, there's no one." Jesse said, she walked to the bed and sat down on it. I wonder if she could feel I was here.

The two other girls walked around the room, were they looking for me? Did Jess tell them about me?

"Girls, I'm serious." Jess sounded worried. "There's no one here."

"Then why are you so worried about us walking here?" Wow, Nicole really knew Jess well. They're sisters after all. But this made me curious to meet her.

"I'm not," Jess sighed. "I'm just tired of today, I'd like to have my lunch now."

"We're not stopping you." The other girl said, I'm assuming that's Joyce. "You can eat." It's probably Joyce, she sounded really nice compared to Nicole. Just like Jess told me.

"Can you please go, we'll talk later, ok?" Jess walked to the door and opened it. "Bye."

"Ok," Joyce said and walked to the door. "Babe, come."

Nicole groaned and walked away. But before she was out, she stopped. "I haven't checked underneath the bed yet." She started walking towards me but got stopped.

"Let it be, babe." Joyce said and pulled Nicole with her out of the room.

Jess closed the door and locked it as well. She then sighed. "You can come out."

I smiled and crawled from underneath the bed. "That was close." I smiled at her.

Jess smiled as well. "You have good reflexes." She walked past me and sat down on her bed. She patted the spot next to her.

I walked to her and sat down.

"Here," She handed me a sandwich. "You must be hungry."

"I actually am, yes." I opened the sandwich. "What's on this?"

Jess looked at it. "Mostly vegetables and cheese." She smiled at me. "You can also taste mine." She presented hers.

"What's on that one?"

"Mostly vegetables and meat instead of cheese." She looked at me and then motioned to the two sandwiches. "Try them both."

I looked at them. I first took the one with cheese, I tried it. I looked at her and nodded. "I like this."

She nodded. "I knew you would." She smiled. "Try the other one."

I looked at the one with meat. I took a bite of it and chewed. I saw Jesse look at me, she seemed so interested in me. And I loved that. "I like this one as well, but I'd rather have the one with cheese."

She smiled. "You can have that one."

I smiled and handed her the one with meat back. 

"Thank you." She then took a bite herself. "I was so hungry."

"Me too," I took another bite. "I think."

She chuckled. "I guess you have to get used to that."

I nodded. "The real world is different." I remembered my discoveries from this morning. "Like, there are no hills or beach or sea or silence."

She nodded. "I know."

"Why is it so different here? Why are there so many houses here?"

"Because there are a lot of people on this earth. In our dreamworld it was only us." She smiled a little. "Over here that's not the case. We can't do what we want anymore either."

I nodded. "Why not though?"

"Because there are rules here and we have to keep ourselves to those rules." She reached for my hand. "We'll do lots of fun stuff together."

"I hope so."

We continued eating in silence, I looked around her room some more while I felt her stare on me. I wonder what she's thinking, I wonder what she's planning...

When we were done, she took the papers and threw them in the trash. She then walked back to me. "What now?"

I shrugged, looking around. That's when my eyes landed on the weird book from earlier. I got up and took it, I walked back to Jess. "Why is this book so weird? And what is a password?"

She looked at it, then at me. And she smiled while caressing my cheek.


"I completely forgot that you didn't have those at our dreamworld." She let go of my cheek and took a hold of the weird book. She motioned to her shoulder, to which I let my rest on it. "This is a computer, a laptop to be specific."

"A laptop?"

She nodded. "It's a device with which you can go on the internet."

"The internet?"

She chuckled. "I'll show you." The laptop was lighting up and it asked a password. She immediately entered it and everything changed.

"What is the password?"

She looked at me. "Sidney."


She chuckled. "That's the password, your name."

I smiled, that made me feel proud. "I'll remember that."

"I hope so." She then went over the surface of the laptop and the things on the laptop changed. "So here's the internet."

I looked at it in awe. "Wow."

She smiled at me. "I'll show you something." She was busy on it, I don't even know what she's doing. She's so smart. "Here," She turned the laptop towards me. "Look at these."

I looked at the laptop and saw Jesse. "That's you."

She nodded. "Those are pictures of me and my family and friends." She went through them. Those pictures went from birth until now. Jesse would explain me what happened on the pictures and who was on them, then she'd tell me a bit about each person. I really felt like I knew a lot about her life already, but this helped a lot.

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