Chapter 20: I wish...

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Jesse's POV

"Jess, wakey wakey!"

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking. "Nicole?" I mumbled.

"Good morning, sunshine."

I blinked more and now had a better sight of what was happening. In my room were Joyce and Nicole, both standing next to my bed and looking down on me. They were both smiling and dressed into comfy sportswear.

"What are you two doing?" I rubbed my eyes as I slowly sat up.

Joyce sat down onto my bed. "We have a lot of work to do, Jess."

"We do?" I yawned.

"Come on," Nicole reached for my hand and pulled me out of bed. "Get dressed, we've got to go."

I slowly walked to my closet and took some clothes. I then turned around and looked at them, they were still eyeing me. "Girls, get out."


I walked to the door of my room and opened it. "Out!"

They both left, Joyce pulling a groaning Nicole. I then proceeded to get dressed into my clothes and walked to the hallway too.

"Ok, what are we going to do?"

Joyce smiled at Nicole and then looked at me. "We're going to look for Sidney."

That actually made me smile, knowing that they really cared. Finally. Finally they cared about my Sidney. "How?"

"We told you yesterday, Jess, did you really forget already?" Nicole shook her head no. "We're going around places and ask people if they saw someone like Sidney."

"Yes," Joyce said, taking a piece of paper. "Using this description."

"But isn't that tedious work? That description is pretty vague..."

"We know, which is why," She then took another piece of paper and showed it to me. "We made this drawing about how she'd look."

I took the drawing from her. I took a moment to look at the drawing of how Sid would look like, in their eyes. It's amazing the amount of effort Joyce put in the drawing, she didn't just do a basic face. She drew all the details, even some I didn't say. And it really looked like a human face, almost like a picture. Unfortunately it looked nothing like Sidney...

"Well, what do you think?"

I looked at Joyce and saw her smile proudly at me, she was so happy with the drawing. "Well... It looks really good. You really are talented."

"Jess, that's not what she wanted to hear." Nicole said, of course putting me in a difficult position.

I looked down.

"Jess," Joyce said, making me look at her. "Isn't that how she looks? It's what you said."

I slowly shook my head no. "Sid doesn't look anything like this."

"But I did everything you said."

"I know," I sighed. "But it's difficult to draw a person you haven't seen before."

"Let's just go look around for her." Nicole wrapped her arm around Joyce, leading them both downstairs. "Come on, Jess."

I let out a breath. I hate hurting Joyce, especially when I see how much effort she put into this drawing...


"I'm coming!" I walked downstairs and to them. "Let's go."


"This isn't working." I said as I sat down onto a nearby bench. We had been talking to people in the park for hours. Everyone that past by got asked about Sidney. But of course no one knew her. "We should better head home."

Nicole sat down next to me. "We can't give up, Jess. She must be here somewhere."

I looked down, sighing.

"Yes," Joyce sat down onto Nicole's lap. "You must have met her before you started dreaming about her."

I looked at them. "And what if I just made her up? What if she is indeed just my imagination?" I looked back down. "What if she isn't real?" I asked slowly, but it was clear it wasn't a question I asked them. "Maybe she never was real..."

"Hey," Nicole said, her hand on my shoulder as to catch my attention. It failed though. "She is real, to you. Isn't she?"

"I'm not sure anymore." I let out a breath and got up. "Let's go home." But before they could answer, I started walking home.

"But Jess, what about Sidney?" Joyce asked, catching up to me.

"Are you just going to give up?" Nicole asked, also catching up to me.

I shrugged.

"Jess, we weren't lucky today, that doesn't mean we won't find her." Joyce smiled. "We'll try again tomorrow."

We arrived home and saw Jacob standing in front of the house. "Hey everyone." He smiled and walked to me, opening his arms.

I hugged him immediately, finding some comfort in his arms. It wasn't Sidney, but he came closest.

"What happened?" he asked me, but as soon as he saw I wasn't going to respond he looked at Joyce and Nicole. "Why is she like this?" He then held me closer to him, as if to secure me.

"It's nothing." Joyce lied, and she's such a bad liar. I knew Jacob could see that immediately.

"Nothing? Then why is she like this?" Yep, he didn't believe Joyce.

"Listen Jacob," Nicole let out a groan. "We were out. We were looking for Sidney."

"Sidney? Her fantasy girlfriend?"

"We think that she might have met someone like Sidney before and that's why she's dreaming about Sidney." Joyce started.

"So we wanted to find her." Nicole finished. "At the park. Tomorrow we will look some place else."

"What for?" Jacob asked, again pulling me closer to him. "We all know Sidney isn't real. We talked about this, we've been over this. Why are you two trying to hurt her even more?"

Nicole groaned, she was getting annoyed. "She's real to her, Jacob."

Jacob let out a chuckle. "But she isn't. We all know." Hearing him say that, that actually hurt. I let go of him, which cause him to look at me. "Hey, are you ok?" He caressed my face.

I nodded while trying to keep the tears from falling. "I'm going to bed."

"But it's only 5..."

I shrugged and slowly made my way to the door.

Jacob stopped me by reaching for my hand. "Jess," He held my hand in his, caressing it. "Are we ok?"

I gulped before slowly nodding. "I'm just tired."

He slowly nodded. "I'll come back tomorrow?"

I nodded and then continued my way into the house. I walked to my room and locked the door of my bedroom, I just wanted to be alone.

I let myself fall onto my bed. I'm so tired. I'm so done with this whole situation. Why can't I be happy? I'm with Jacob, he's amazing and sweet and caring. My parents were happy and proud. Why can't I be happy?

I want Sidney.

I sighed deeply. I want her so badly. I just... I slowly closed my eyes. I wish... I just wish... I wish she was here, next to me. Please.

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