Chapter 2: Relax, take it easy

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Jesse's POV

As soon as the bell rang for the end of the day, I went to my locker. I just wanted to get home fast.

"Hey Jesse."

I looked up and smiled. "Hey Jacob." Ok, more background information. He's Joyce's and my friend. Before Nicole, it was just the three of us hanging out and having fun. Now, with Joyce and Nicole dating, he and I spend more time together. As friends, just to make that clear. My heart belongs to Sid.

"What are you up to?" he said as he leaned against the lockers next to mine.

"Not much." I said, closing my locker. "Just preparing to get home. Why?"

He shook his head a little. "Just asking."

I nodded. "Ok. Well I'll get going then, unless you wanted to say something else..."

He smiled. "Yeah, I was wondering if you'd want to hang out."

I raised my eyebrows. "Uhm sure, now?"

He nodded.

"Ok yes, let me take my stuff."

"Ok." He smiled.


Nicole's POV

"I love you, babe." I said while I kissed my way down her neck. I loved her scent, her skin, her taste. It drove me crazy.

She chuckled, she was very sensitive in her neck area. "I love you too, babe." She wrapped her arms around me.

I leaned in closer, our legs intertwining. I was so happy she decided to follow me back to my room. This is better than her car.

"So where's Jesse?"

I stopped immediately and looked at Joyce, kinda annoyed. "Really?"


I swear sometimes she could be so naive... "We're basically making out and you're thinking about my sister... I mean how should I feel about that?"

Joyce looked at me for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. "Come on, babe." She laughed. "I was just wondering."

"Pff." I got up, straightening my clothes, no point in going further now.

"Hey hey," she said, pulling me down again. "We don't have to stop this because I just wondered about Jesse."

I sighed before lying down next to her. "I don't know where she is." I looked at the time, it was getting pretty late. I looked back at Joyce. "Maybe she had plans, maybe someone was that desperate and asked her out."

Joyce glared at me.


She shook her head no before looking away.

I sighed but made her look at me. "Babe, I'm sorry." I kissed her lips for a brief moment. "Listen, maybe she's just with a friend." I thought it over. "She does have other friends, right?"

At this Joyce glared at me again.

"What? Come on, I don't know her whole life, give me a break."

Joyce shook her head no.


I sat up. "Great, now mom and dad are home." I groaned, getting up. "There goes our chance."

At that Joyce chuckled. "Are you that horny?"

I looked at her. "A girl has needs."

Joyce smiled, getting up. She walked to me and wrapped her arms around my waist, to which I wrapped mine around her neck. "Maybe I can help you with that."

"Mmm... Maybe..." I leaned in and kissed her.


I pulled back, groaning. "Let's go." I took Joyce's hand in mine and walked us downstairs. "Hey mom and dad."

"Nicole, where's Jesse?" mom asked, as she looked at herself in the mirror, checking her make up and things.

I shrugged.

"She does know that we're going out tonight, right?"

I looked at Joyce, who shrugged. I then looked back at mom. "I think so."

Dad came back, sighing. "She's not answering."

"Great.." Mom took her phone out and left the room, probably calling Jesse.

"Why is it so important for her to be here?" Joyce asked dad.

He straightened his suit and tie before looking at her. "We're meeting the Beaumonts for dinner."

Joyce's eyes widened, eyebrows raised. "Elliot?"

I nodded.

Joyce looked at my dad again. "But why?"

Mom got back before dad could answer. "She's not answering, she could destroy our chances here!"

"Honey, calm down, we'll fix this." Dad said, massaging mom's shoulders. "We'll fix it." He looked at me. "We're going to this restaurant, when Jesse gets home, send her here." he said, giving me a card.

I looked at it, noticing it was an expensive restaurant. I could ask questions about this, but I decided not to.

"Ok, we'll get going now. We'll see you later tonight." Dad said, kissing my cheek before heading off. Mom did the same.

And as fast as they got home, they left again.

"What was that?" Joyce asked, blinking.

I chuckled. "I'll explain you upstairs." I said, pulling her with me upstairs.


Jesse's POV

I'm happy I said yes to Jacob's invitation. I enjoyed this, so much. I needed this, just to relax for an evening.

Right after we left school, he drove us around town. I'm pretty sure he didn't have any plan as to where to take me, but I didn't mind. I enjoyed his company.

We first stopped at this clothing shop, it was new in town so we checked it out. It was fine, but nothing special. I however got some new tops.

Right after that, we went to a fast food place, where we got our dinner. We then went straight to his house, and had dinner in front of the tv. I mean, could it get any better? Nope, I'm telling you.

And so here we were, relaxing, right after dinner, in front of the tv. We were watching a tv show, I don't even know.

"I had a great time."

I looked from the tv to Jacob, smiling. "Me too. We should do this again."

He nodded. "I'd like that."

"Good." I let my head fall backwards, leaning against the couch.


"Oh yes." I yawned. "I can't wait to get to bed." And see my babe back. Oh I've missed her so much!

He chuckled. "Me neither."

We sat there, in silence, for quite awhile. I loved this, just peace and quiet. "It's really quiet here, so nice."

"Not always though."

I looked at him, wondering.

"Sometimes it gets lonely."

"Yeah, but you have your parents." I looked around. "Where are they?"

"They work pretty much all the time." He got up, suddenly.

I got up too. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you feel upset."

"No," He smiled reassuringly. "It's fine." He checked his watch. "Let's get you home."

I nodded. "Let's go."

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