Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Nine

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-Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Nine-

"Special Attack: Green Star Rafflesia!" Usopp instantly shot a seed towards the charging Fishmen—one that popped right open as soon as it reached them before quickly growing into that of a big Rafflesia flower.

"Wow! That seed turned into a giant flower!" one of the Fishmen gaped.

"It's such an exotic flower!" another admired, looking almost to be in awe at the large flora.

"Breathe deep" Usopp grinned just as the flower seemed to exert a smell that made the Fishmen all draw back in utter disgust.

"It stinks!" they all cried out, covering their noses as their eyes started to water.

"Damn! Bunch of fools!" Hordy coughed as he pinched his nose shut, obviously not liking the smell either.

"Enjoy" Usopp chuckled.

"Well, you made quick work of them it seems" I smiled, smacking my hand against his back as he puffed his chest out in pride—now wearing a cocky grin as he basked in the praise.

"Ugh...I'm dying here..." Brook weakly groaned as two guards helped to carry him over to us.

"Come on, Zoro, let's move!" the sharpshooter called out as he finally started to notice just how quickly the room was filling with water before looking back towards the swordsman who was currently busy with cutting away Neptune's restraints.

"Listen up, do me a favor and help those three get out of here" Zoro said as he sheathed his sword.

"And what about you?" Neptune asked as he slowly pushed himself up off the ground.

"We're not going to make it out of here, not if that guy's chasing us" Zoro told the king, casting a glance towards Hordy who soon disappeared below the surface of the still rising water before sucking in a deep breath of air for himself.

"Roronoa, you better not fuck up if you're doing what I think you plan on doing!" I frowned, slight worry gripping my heart the second the swordsman dived down under the water to chase after the Fishman. I know that he's strong and I do have faith that he'll win, but...that doesn't stop me from being worried about the possibility of him drowning—he may be a monster in most people's eyes, but that doesn't change the fact that he's still human. Quickly was the room filling up and it was obvious that it wouldn't be too long before there would be no air left in it. My eyes wandered the flooded room, silently following the large splashes of water that shot up into the air and helped to indicate where exactly Zoro and Hordy were as they fought. I barely bothered to pay any attention to the guards that were now starting to hold back Hordy's men.

"There they are..." I muttered as a large body of water suddenly shot up into the air in the form of a waterspout, causing me to bite my lower lip in matter how much we grow, he still knows how to make me a nervous, worrying wreck.

"Listen up, soldiers" Neptune finally spoke up once he regained some of his energy.

"Sir, we swear we'll take care of Hordy and the rest of his crew immediately!" one of the guards stated.

"No, you won't" Neptune shot him down, taking his men by surprise. "I'm too weak to give you my full assistant and I can't let you sacrifice your lives like that—we shall surrender the palace for the time being and meet up with Fukaboshi, we will fight back when the time is right" he told them.

"You can't mean that, sir! We can't let the palace fall to this evil scum!" one of the guards argued.

"Dammit, Zoro! I know you're strong, but do you really think you can beat a Fishman in the water?" Usopp frowned as the three us now clung to one of the cut pieces of chain that had once restrained Neptune.

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