Chapter 33: Broken Bottles

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"Didn't feel like the kind of kiss you'd give in a dare" I smirked breathlessly resting my forehead against hers, my hands holding her neck warmly as my thumb caressed her cheek.

"I'm just a good kisser." She spoke proud, equally out of breath.
"So you kiss all the guys you get dared to kiss like that?" I questioned, pulling away, joking, "But that's not it, is it?" I had her cornered, she was caught in her own web and there was nowhere for her to go.

Until she turned away and all hell broke loose, "Fuck."

Her horrified expression made me trail her gaze.

Damian had woken up and was now staring at us from the backyard. Well, it had been about four hours since and the effect of the dosage I had given him had to wear off about this time.

Wishing we had just gone with Colin's plan to kill the bastard.

Kea left the balcony and I followed her into the library.


"I... I have to go I'm sorry.... we shouldn't have done this." She was flustered, "Oh God." She had tears in her eyes as she looked at me.

I walked over to her and held her, "Hey its okay, we can be together now. You don't have to fight it anymore, whatever it is we'll get through it."

I held her close in my arms and for a few moments she relaxed making me sigh in relief but soon our paradise was lost when Damian came charging inside and pulled Kea away just as he was about to have her whole, I punched him in the face. He fell back.

I was completely healed now and if we fought.

He would lose.

I pulled Kea to my side, "Stay the fuck away from her. She doesn't want to be with you anymore."

Damian laughed sarcastically as he shook his head getting up like he had the very first time I had met him and I fucking hated the sound, "Oh really? Is that right?" He looked over at Kea and tears streamed down her face and as though she was under some kind of spell, she pulled her hand away from mine and shook her head, "Reyes doesn't know what he's talking about. The kiss was just a stupid dare. Let's go." Her voice became colder with each word as she wiped her face and walked out of the room before I had a chance to find the book or tell her about it.

Damian walked up to me and smiled, "I would hit you but I'm the one taking the girl to bed tonight and I think that's enough to kick you off your feet for a bit." He had a glimmer in his eyes that I wanted to wipe off so quick he wouldn't know what hit him, with the fury, I felt inside I could have easily punched him to death and unlike Aiden, there was no one coming to save him, but his words had paralysed me.

The one taking her to bed.

The implications of his comment, left me stuck.

He was the one who would kiss her and undress her and taste her. The one who would make love to her. 

I tried to move, but I was bound by his words, the look of victory he wore and Kea's absence- proved it.

Kea chose him.

Yet again. 


He left with that and I sat on the dusty arm of the couch in the room that was paradise no more.

Colin came minutes after and said something but I couldn't register anything he said. It was all mute, only when Colin shook me did I really hear him.

"René... what happened? Why did Kea leave with him."

My mind couldn't wrap itself around whatever had happened and I realised it all had to do with Damian's presence, Kea changed in his presence. 

But nothing really got through, all I felt was this emotional fatigue that had housed inside me and just wouldn't go.
I looked at my hands, "You know I keep thin...thinking maybe, just" I was struggling to get the words out but I had to say it, for I feared if I didn't I would simultaneously combust. "Maybe, a miracle would happen and she would be honest with herself, but the closer I get to understanding her, the farther she seems to go." I laughed at the state I was in- yet again. It was pathetic.

I picked up a book from the table in front of the sofa, it was a love story about fate. Ironically I smiled. "But then if everybody got what they wanted there would be no such thing as heartbreak." I was rambling. 

Colin walked to the big chestnut shelf in front of me and removed a few books, I looked at him puzzled, my woes; forgotten momentarily from the distraction, "What are you doing?"

"Wha...?" He turned, "Oh this...You think you're the only one who knew about grandfathers library?" He moved a few more books, "Ah here it is."

He pulled out a bottle of whiskey, "I come up here from time to time, who do you think has been watering the huge ass plant on the balcony? Though I didn't get a chance to get everything dusted. I'm only so skilled- at housekeeping, I did, however, find grandfathers secret stash." He sat in front of me on the armchair hoisting the bottle up.

He opened the seal on the cap and passed it to me, "You know what they say, when you can't make sense of it, drink, make ignorant mistakes and pass the fuck out."

"No one has ever said that but you." I stated comically taking the bottle from him, "But it sure as hell should be my life motto." I took a huge gulp, "Shit that's good." I said clearing my throat.


We were both piss drunk on whiskey that was probably a thousand bucks a bottle and were now in front of Kea's house at 3 am.

Because where else would we be.

It was time to make that ignorant mistake Colin was talking about.

I threw the bottle with all my strength and it smashed just below her window, as I saw her lights turn on, she popped her head out of the parted curtains. I screamed with all my overindulged might, "Kea Faye it's about time we talked." My eyes meeting her face for seconds before clouding with tears.


Authors Note: (But I have a feeling Reyes is going to take over this.)

Reyes: Why don't you just tattoo pussy on my forehead instead of going on any further. So that it can be clear why I haven't just killed Damian the motherfucking bastard already!

Nomads.vj: Wow I don't think I've ever seen you this angry before.

Reyes: Yes cause I've been patient like you asked and the only place it has gotten me so far is drunk outside Kea's window with a very possible naked Damian in her bed. I can't do this.

Nomads.vj: Is the story over?

Reyes: No. But I feel pretty dead.

Nomads.vj: But I haven't killed you for a reason. Just wait. Trust me the end is near. Can you feel it?

Reyes: Maybe if I weren't numb from all the alcohol I could.

Maybe they can. Come on people where are your hearts at?

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