Chapter 20 : Stake Out

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"So you're telling me that.. all this while you knew about us before I came here?" My voice was rough.

This couldn't be happening.

"I had seen you with Kea that night, I had seen her kissing you and I thought she genuinely liked you cause the last I had seen her that evening, she hadn't been that drunk. Even you seemed different, I didn't know if it was the drugs you were taking to escape or the pain you were in or some part of you liked her too, but I had never seen you kiss someone like that so I let it continue. And when I found you a month later in that hospital bed because you'd gotten into a bar fight I got to know from the hospital nurse that it was in fact your fifth drunken brawl in the past three weeks. I got worried. You were tranquillised and when I asked you what had caused this, you mentioned the girl from that night in my loft and it didn't take me long to connect the dots and figure out who you were talking about exactly. I knew where Kea lived, I had all her details. Her high school name, her class, her subjects, her interests, her entire life. It was in the letter she had submitted when she had applied for the internship. And it was all too easy when I realised your grandparents' house was in the same town as hers'. It felt like it was meant to be, that's when I had suggested you come live here. I thought you both would see each other and everything would be perfect. If I had known you guys didn't even remember each other's faces which I must add is supremely fucked up- by the way, I would have never pushed for this."

I didn't know what to say, I kept looking at him feeling some sort of betrayed then another thought came to mind, "Wait you said before that we needed each other, I get why I needed her but why did she need me?"

"You'll have to find that out yourself."

"Honest to God Davis I'm gonna kick your ass if you keep any more secrets, I swear I've reached my limit." I never called Colin, 'Davis' it was his surname and it was only reserved for those very serious times, like the one we were having. 

"It's not my secret to tell Reyes." And Colin had not called me Reyes in a bloody long time.

Well, that escalated quickly.

He went on, "Except that there is nothing you don't already know about you and Kea I promise."

I moved my less bandaged hand through my hair and looked at the house, I couldn't believe Colin had set up this entire thing.

My coming here; seeing her; meeting her, falling for her, it was all because of Colin's arrangement.

Surprisingly I wasn't even angry with him I was just hurt that he wasn't straight up with me from the beginning.

I also couldn't stop thinking about what he had said about her needing me too.

Why would kea need me?

She didn't need anybody....ever.

I focused on the house, Kea was the only one that could give me an answers but Vixen wasn't in the driveway. 

It was two in the morning. 

Where was she?

By the looks of it, there was no one home.  

Through all this, I couldn't help but wonder where her parents were...They should've been by her side, yet they were nowhere to be seen. They weren't even at the hospital.

I sat back and waited, I wasn't leaving until I had spoken to her or made sure she was back home safe.

 It had been half an hour since we'd been waiting outside her place, I tried calling her but it was going straight to voicemail.

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