Chapter 13: Execution

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Pick me up in 5. PLEASE.                                                                                                  21m ago

Never mind I'm not coming to practice something came up                       3m ago

I was standing outside school when I took out my phone, it had beeped twice but I was in a hurry so I hadn't checked it. 

The last message had come a few minutes back and I couldn't understand what she meant. The first one looked urgent and the second calm. But they were eighteen minutes apart.

How did she go from sounding so dire to normal so quickly? It didn't make sense.

I read her first message again and I just couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. So I called her, went straight to voicemail. I called again and still no answer, that's when the dread set in. 

The thought of Kea being in any kind of trouble no matter how big or small didn't settle well with me.

Everything went out of focus; the practice, the coach, the time. 

I got on my bike and almost crashed into Lucas on my way out of the parking lot, "Woah! Where are you going? Practice started 5 minutes ago." I looked at him but I couldn't really concentrate. I needed to see if Kea was okay.

His hands were on the fog lamps, all I could bring myself to way was, "Kea." my voice came out rough as he backed away and I sped off onto the road. I skipped every red light, zig-zagged my way through all the morning traffic. Each second felt more crucial than the last, and in record time I was in front of her house.

Forget knocking I tried pushing the door open, it was locked. I jumped into the backyard, the door there was locked too. I broke the kitchen window with my elbow and climbed in, there was an uncomfortable silence inside the house.

I heard muffled sounds, I walked further in and up the stairs when the noise became clearer. My heart sank, my body was stiff.

My hands trembled as I turned the handle to her bedroom door anxious about what I would find. There were grunts and murmurs, I could hear a guy. It could just be Kea in bed with someone but then the text came to mind and I pushed the door open without another thought and....a flash of bodies in bed.. I almost blanked out... when I heard Kea scream my name. Her eyes met mine and tears fell from them.

She was fighting him while he was on top of her. Her top was torn and his hands now held the waist of her jeans. Kea lay there raw and vulnerable.

I ran inside and dragged him away from Kea with so much force, he fell to the ground, I held him up and punched him.

I felt so much rage- everything around me became a blur, my vision focused on one thing and one thing only, the motherfucker that was still breathing. I kept punching him till he was unconscious, I kept punching him till I broke his teeth, until everything was covered with blood, I would have punched the last breath out of him but someone pulled me away. 

Lucas pulled me away and walked to the fucker that lay lifeless on the floor, he was on the phone a moment later. My gaze shifted to Kea who was holding me back or at least trying to as I struggled to get to the half-dead, bleeding bastard to finish the job, if he wasn't halfway to hell already.

Kea sat on my lap, with her legs on either side on me, in an attempt to keep me from fighting. Her lips were moving but I couldn't hear anything.

But her eyes were a different kind of vulnerable this time.

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