Chapter 24: Havoc

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It was 5:30 Am and we were parked outside Kea's house again.
This time I wasn't going to back down, I was going to see her even if I had to fight Lucas for it.

I was piss drunk and my ability to give a fuck was gone by now.

I had pondered on Lucas's wisdom and I knew Kea probably didn't want to see me right now but I just needed to see her face. And by that logic all other logic flew out of the window. 

I told Colin to go home as I walked to Kea's house and climbed rather drunkenly into her backyard for the second time in the past thirty six hours.

or twenty four or sixteen, who knew anymore?

I walked to the window that was still broken, I looked briefly at the hand that had broken it. The Officer did say that they found glass shards in Aiden's face, that was definitely going to scar and I was glad because I wanted something to remind him of what he did and what its consequences were every time he looked in the mirror.
I hadn't planned it but I was happy about how it had all turned out.

For once the Gods were on my side, though maybe it was just because it was about Kea.

I crawled into the kitchen quietly.

Well, as quiet as a guy who just drank more than half a bottle of Jack Daniels, could be.

I scrambled onto the floor and clambered my way across the kitchen; Ninja style. Even though I had hit myself on every possible edge in the room I had somehow managed to reach the staircase that led to my Kea, undetected.
Before going up I turned to look at the sofa Lucas was sleeping like a log on.

Fucking piss poor guard.

After seeing, that he was unaware of my presence, without wasting any more time I ascended the stairs, into the hallway. Soon enough I was standing in front of her room door. I tried to shake off the torment of the events I had witnessed when I had opened this very door earlier and with little haste and deep breaths, I opened Kea's door.

The curtains were drawn apart so the little light from the early morning sky was casting cold shadows in the room, I could see little but enough. The room was in shambles, there was black spray paint all over the walls, all over her paintings, quotes and pictures on the wall. The books that were on the shelf before now lay scattered on the floor, some torn apart.

Kea was lying on her bed curled up like a child, she was clutching onto a fabric of some kind as she slept. There were wrinkles on her forehead as though even in her sleep she wasn't at peace. I felt helpless that I wasn't there when she was going tearing this place apart.

Even before I could devise a plan, I almost instinctively crawled into bed behind her and pulled her into me, not meaning to wake her but to comfort her enough for her to be peaceful.

And as though she somehow knew it was me without even having to look, she moved further into my arms.

I kissed her head as we both lay there soon falling deep asleep.

And just like that, there was peace.

I woke up around 11 am with the most horrible hangover I'd had in months to an empty bed and coffee on the side table.

I pushed off the covers and sat up, the coffee was cold I guess it had been there for a while. I looked around the room, now that it was well lit. It looked like a crime scene, there was blood splatters on the floor and the curtains that I had thought had been drawn apart were actually torn. The pictures on the wall were blackened and a few lay ripped on the ground.

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