Chapter 30: Oh, It's So On

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A/N: Thankyou @Chrly_05 for voting on this story.

May 29th (Thursday)

Annie's POV: Today we have no practice for the musical. Since we already performed last night and I met John Travolta which was really cool. I suggested that Brynn, Lisa and Lena should join the group but Carson, Max and Harvey said that they already have groups that they hang out with, So I just went with it. We are in product and designs class right now. Everyone who was in the musical are really bummed out since we did not have three classes in a week and a half and we have to back again! UGHHHHHHHHH after performing we have to study... YET AGAIN! But at least we will not get screamed at by Caroline anymore.

Mr. Campsik: Okay class since everyone is here now we are going to be looking at different industries and what they do in the factories

Class: UGH

Mr. Campsik: Come on it is not that bad

Harvey: *sarcastically* totally

Mr Campsik: Now open your laptops and look at the information report about dairy I sent you

*Kids do instruction*

Mr Campsik: Is it in front of you?

Students: yep

Mr Campsik: Okay Bailey start reading it

*Bailey starts reading*

Annie's POV: UGGHHHHHHHH! It has been 10 minutes and We are still reading the information report. How long does this have to take! Suddenly I look to my side to talk to Hayden about how boring class is then, I SEE HIM SLEEPING BEHIND HIS LAPTOP SCREEN! Lol. Who knew that class is boring enough to make someone sleep, especially Hayden. He seems to be sleeping in a deep sleep. I mean a very deep sleep. So I decide to prank him.

Annie: OH DARN!

Mr. Campsik: I'm sorry Annie, what is wrong

Annie: *lies* My Laptop just died, can I look at another person's one

Mr. Campsik: Well you should have charged it... Move your chair to Hayden's desk and look at his laptop

Annie: okay

*Annie moves over to Hayden's desk

Mr. Campsik: Okay let's keep on going

Annie's POV: I get my texta out and draw a mustache on top of Hayden's lips and add a pointy triangle with a point pointing down... I am all done I can't wait to see his reaction. After another 10 minutes, the bell finally rings, but we have English. Everyone left for their next class and I said that I will stay back and try to wake Hayden up. Once everyone is gone I wake him up 

*Annie starts poking Hayden's nose*

Annie: Hayden? Hayden? HAYDEN! 

*Hayden wakes up*

Annie: It is time for English Product and Designs just finished

Hayden: It is? OKay then lets go.

Hayden's POV: I close my laptop and Annie and I start walking to English. We step into class thank god it has not started yet otherwise we would be in trouble. I take a seat next to Johnny and Annie sits on the available seat on the other side of me where she also sits next to Jayden.

Hayden: Hey bro

*Johnny turns around*


*Annie turns around and puts her finger on top of her lips*

Hayden: What is so funny?

Johnny: Oh nothing

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