Chapter 5: Sleepover

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April 25th

Annie's POV: We are already half way through the day and at lunch right now. But I still don't get over the fact Haysen complemented me... was it a complement i don't know. But there was much more.


Hayden: You look nicer without your glasses on?

Annie: what do you mean?

Hayden: I mean that glasses are not your thing, you look prettier without them

Annie: is that a nice thing?

Hayden: of course

Annie's POV: There was total silence, Hayden and I lock eyes, How come I feel sparks. Come on Annie remember he has no emotion, he does'nt care about anything. Hopefully he did'nt recognise me.

Hayden's POV: Once ANnie took her glassess of, she looked very familiar but... i don't know where i saw her before.

End of flashback

Jayden: so how as your night last night

Annie: what?

Mackenzie: you and Hayden... Chemistry homework

Annie: nothing happend just normal homework

Mackenzie: i don't think so

Annie: why?

Jayden: beacuse you are going red

Annie: fine i'll tell you...

Jayden and Mackenzie: YAY!

Annie: at the sleep over

Jayden and Macknzie: UGH

Johnny: did I hear sleepover?

Annie: yeah, why?

Hayden: because we are going to have a boys sleepover af my place

Jayden: we are having ours at Annie's so we are just going to be a croos the street.

Carson: yeah

Mackenzie: just don't disturb us.

Jayden: why are you still standing up? Take a seat boys

*Boys take a seat*

Johnny: so has your Hannie senses tingled?

Jayden: yes

Carson: what happend

Mackenzie: we do not know

Carson: but how do you know that something happend

Hayden: beacuse I said something

Johnny: bro what did you say

*Annie shakes her head*

Hayden: i'm not going to tell you

Jayden: AW COME ON

*Kendra steps behind Hayden*

Jayden: someone is behind you Hayden

*Hayden turns around*

Hayden: what do you want now Kendra:

Kendra: Annie?

Hayden: wait what? you want Annie? what for?

Kendra: a chat

Hayden: uuuum, okay

Kendra: why Hayden? do you think I want you?

Hayden: ...

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