Chapter 1: The Start

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A/N: Thankyou @Tazrtz for voting on this story

April 20th  

Annie's POV: I wake up to the sound of my alarm from my phone. Yep it's the start of my new school, where no body knows me, where no body knows that I am Annie Leblanc. I change into my outfit, I wear crossover print red skirt and a black polo, tie my hair into a ponytail and put my fake glasses on. I head down stairs and sit down on the kitchen counter.

Annie: Hey Mom, Dad and Hayley

Katie(Mom): Hey Annie got everything set for school?

Annie: yep

Billy(Dad): you sure you wanna do this?

Annie: yes Dad

Hayley: OMG you look hideous in that outfit 

Annie: thats the point Hayley, I'm not supposed to be noticed by anyone 

Haley: If i were you I would love to be popular

Annie: It's harder than you think

Katie: remember you don't need to change your name

Annie: No i'm definitely gonna keep my name as Annie Lebacsi

Katie: if you say so

Annie: I'm going to start walking to school now

Billy: you sure you don't want me to drive you

Annie: trying to keep it low profile dad, I think people can recognize me getting out of a Tesla and the walk is only 10 minutes don't worry this is just highschool. Bye love you

In the school office

Annie's POV: I walk into the school affice and it's actually really big. Does this mean that the school class rooms are bigger. I reach the front desk and i see a person there and her badge says "Ms Luenta.

Ms Luenta: Hi welcome to brat high school

Annie: Hi i'm a new student here my name is Annie Lebacsi

Ms Luenta: so you are the new 12th grade student 

Annie: yep

Ms Luenta: so here are your schedule and the top of the page is your locker number and your code

Annie: thankyou

Annie's POV: I walk outside and headed to my locker, once i open my locker I look at my schedule, oh it looks like I have English first, Product and Designs, then math, lunch, then Chemistry then history, art and then I have science. I close my locker then I see this girl also looking at her schedule she looks up and see's me looking at her.

???: Hi it looks like your new whats your name

Annie: Annie Lebacsi what's yours

???: Jayden, Jayden Bartels

Annie: okay

Jayden: well i'm in grade 12 and it looks like you are also in the same grade as me.

Annie: Yeah i'm in the same grade also

Jayden: you seem really cool, eventhough i only know your name and your grade

Annie: you seem pretty cool too

Jayden: well do you want to see if we are in the same classes?

Annie: yeah sure

*Jayden and Annie look at eachother schedules*

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