Chapter 13: It's Beautiful

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May 4th ( Sunday)

Annie's POV: Today is just a normal lazy Sunday, which I love since I don't have to do anything at all, nothing to do with no plans, right now I am watching full house on Netflix while eating popcorn. I soon get a text from Mackenzie saying to come to her house with a fancy dress and heels. Why does she need them? Oh yeah maybe because she has nothing to wear for her date with Johnny tonight, we are the same size anyway so I might be helping her.

Annie: MOM!

Katie: Yeah Hunny?

Annie: I'm going to go to Mackenzie's house is that okay?

Katie: sure 

Annie: thanks

Annie's POV:  I go upstairs to my rooms and get my rose pink dress and white heels. I go downstairs and out the door.  And start walking to Mackenzie's place. After the 5 minute walk, I end up at the front of her door. I ring the doorbell and her sister soon pops up.

Maddie: Hey Annie

Annie: Hi Maddie, Mackenzie invited me

Maddie: Yeah her room is the second door to the left

Annie: okay

*Annie walks up the stairs and goes into Mackenzie's room*

Annie: Hi Mackenzie, I have your stuff for your date with Johnny tonight

Mackenzie: Hi Annie. WHo said it was my stuff? that's yours

Annie: What?

Mackenzie: Yeah you are coming on the date with us

Annie: Why can't it be Jayden?

Mackenzie: because she is out with her parents for dinner

Annie: But I don't want to be a third wheel

Mackenzie: you are not, Johnny will take a guy with him and I will take a girl to pair up for a double date

Annie: Really who is the guy

Mackenzie: that's the thing we don't know who is bringing who

Annie: Wow

Mackenzie: Come on putting your dress on and your heels and I'll do your make up once you do that.

Annie: okay

*Annie goes into the bathrooms and changes and comes back out.*

Mackenzie: WOW I love your dress girl

Annie: Well thank you

Mackenzie: And your heels are high AF

Annie: Yeah hopefully the guy is not short

Mackenzie: lol, well take a seat on the makeup table chair

* Annie takes a seat*

Mackenzie: well I'll start to do your makeup

Annie: I can do it, you haven't even done yours

Mackenzie: okay fine we can do it together at the same time

*Annie and Mackenzie start doing their make up*

Annie: So did Johnny give you a clue of who I will be on a date with?

Mackenzie: He only said that he is charming and that you don't know him

Annie: Okay

Mackenzie: Are you excited?

Annie: Kinda, this is the first time I've done this

Mackenzie: Well it better be good 

Annie: Yeah, Do you think I should wear my glasses?

If Only You Know | Hannie ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ