Chapter 4: Glasses on or Glasses off?

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Hayden's POV: Annie and I walk out of the Cafeteria still pissed of at our friends about bugging us that we like each other when we clearly don't.

Hayden: they are so annoying aren't they?

Annie: yeah so annoying

Hayden: I don't see the point of them doing this when they can just see that we have no feeling for eachother and we are never going to end up with eachother.

Annie; i know right, I totally hate you and you hate me they need to get that picture

*Hayden and Annie go into Chemistry class and take their seats*

Mrs Zofel: Hello Class guess what we are doing today


Mrs Zofel: uuum okay, well today we are going to try to make a smoke explosion but not a fizz and liquid explosion. Does everyone have their partner?

Class: yes

*Door slams open*

Mrs Zofel: Ms Kendra Tollist

Kendra: sorry mrs Zofel just heard some terrible news

*Hayden rolls his eyes*

Mrs Zofel: well okay then take a seat

*Kendra takes a seat behind Annie and Hayden*

Kendra's POV: I take a seat behind and the girl that i saw on the table i stopped by in lunch. I still don't know who Hayden likes and if it is true.

Mrs Zofel: Kendra how come you didn't come to class for the last few days?

Kendra: sick

Mrs Zofel: okay, well back to the task i will show you what to use to make the smoke explosion.

*Mrs Zofel demonstrates*

Mrs Zofel: voila! You guys ready to do this?

Class: yes

Mrs Zofel: you have your liquids in front of you and of you go. And by the way you will have two left, the pink one and the purple one. The purple one makes it smoke and the pink one makes it explode so you better remeber that.

Annie: you better not muck this up

Hayden: don't worry we got this and who are you saying that i might muck this up you might.

Annie: well, it just seems that you are the type of person who ruins everything.

*Hayden puts his hand on his heart*

Hayden: Ouch

Annie: Haha. Well i just poured half of the liquids so now it's your turn.

Hayden: okay ready?

Annie: you bet ya

*Hayden Pours the rest rhen Hayden picks up the pink liquid*

Hayden: i'm ready for some smoke

Annie: wait wait

Hayden: what?

Annie: that's the liquid which makes the thing explode get the purple one.

Hayden: phew thank good ness you told me

Annie: yeah.

*Hayden pours the purple liquid and thr dmoke pops up*

Hayden: Yes we did it!

Annie: Mrs Zofel, we finished what do we do?

Mrs Zofel: you two can just talk.

If Only You Know | Hannie ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें