Chapter 16: Ticked Off

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A/N: Thankyou @Alldayda for voting on this story

May 11th

Hayden's POV: I wake up as tired as I can be, I open my eyes and, wait-... Why am I in Annie's house? Oh yeah, I think I dozed off while Annie and I watched the Titanic on Netflix. I sit up on the couch and see Annie next to me sleeping with her head on my lap. Will I wake her up if I stand up, suddenly her mom comes from upstairs?

Katie: Oh Hayden you are awake

Hayden: Yeah just woke up

Katie: when I came in Lats Night I saw you and Annie sleeping, together.

Hayden: you did?

Katie: yeah you seemed uncomfortable so I just added a pillow and laid your head down on the pillow

Hayden: thank you, uuum do you think that I will wake Annie up if I stand up

Katie: No, she is a deep sleeper, I was just at your house and you're mom asked if we can take care of you since your brother is out, your mom is at work since there is an "Emergency" and your dad is with her.

*Hayden stands up carefully*

Katie: you see she didn't wake up

Hayden: yep she is like a cat

Katie: come on Hayden we are having breakfast now, come with me 

Hayden: what about Annie?

Katie: she will wake up when she smells food

Hayden: okay

*Hayden and Annie walk to the dining room*

Hayley: Hey Hayden what are you doing here?

Hayden; just having breakfast with you guys

Hayley: without Annie?

Hayden: she is still asleep

Hayley: okay

Hayden: I thought that you had a sleepover?

Hayley: I did but I came back

Hayden: what time is it?

Hayley: 9:30am

Hayden: already?

Hayley: yep, since you and Annie slept together are you dating

*Hayley at Hayden suspiciously*

Hayden:  No, No, we just watched a movie and then fell asleep while watching

Hayley: AAAWWWW you and Annie are so cute together 

Annie: *says tiredly* did I hear my name?

*Hayley and Annie turn around*

Hayley: Yeah

Annie: okay, Hayden?

Hayden: Yeah?

Annie: Why are you here?

Hayley: don't you want him here?

Annie: yeah totally just wondering

Hayden: I have to stay with you since no one  is at my house

Annie: ok

*Annie sits next to Hayden*

Annie: So what's for breaky?

Katie: eggs

Annie: okay

A few minutes later

Annie: okay I'm done

Hayden: me too 

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