Chapter five: I cannot be that lucky.

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 "I'm Damon Salvatore, Nice to meet you, Amy," he said with a smirk.=

"Nice to meet you too," I replied politely.

Then, we continued walking in silence, until Damon stopped and told me that we arrived at our destination aka my room. I thanked him then entered my room, the room where I'll live for the next five years. 

It's a beautiful cozy room big enough for two, which made me think about my roommate. Who isn't here yet apparently, because I came pretty early but whatever I think that's better because I'll get the opportunity of discovering this city's secrets. Before the semester starts.

So now that I'm all alone in this room, My room! I'll settle down. Despite the fact that I'm super tired, I'll put my clothes in the wardrobe then stick my precious posters on the wall near my bed because I don't want my roommate to get angry hopefully, she's also obsessed with some YouTubers because if not we'll have some serious problems. 

Well let's move on shall we?

So now after doing all of that, I started thinking that I should go shopping as soon as possible. This room needs a lot of things. I guess I can't function anymore, it's still super early but I'm so tired so goodnight!




I slept really really well last night. It's weird especially that it's my first night here but I guess that this is because I got used to this place already, It became Home. I feel more comfortable here than I've ever felt in the room in which I lived my entire life.

Right now, I'm going to go out explore the city I've always dreamed of. I don't feel like going to the gym today, especially that I don't know where it is on this gigantic campus.

So adios, beautiful room!

 Just as I closed the door, I found Damon in front of me.

"Hello Amy!" he said with a raspy voice that made him look even more attractive.

"Morniiing!" I replied super excited.

"Slept well?" he asked with a caring tone.

"YuP! Really good actually." I said popping up the p, which caused his smile to get wider.

"So any plans for today?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm going to go explore the city," I answered.

"Cool! I wish I could come with you and be your London tour guide but, I should meet up with some friends," he said while fixing his hair.

After a small conversation, we exchanged numbers. Damon said that I can call him whenever I want and he even asked me if I needed a ride but I told him that I would like to walk today specially that I wasn't going to the gym. 

Gosh!! He's so nice and super hot as well shut it Mrs know it all, I thought you were still asleep Damn it!

Sorry guys, but I think you should just accept the fact that she'll always be here.

Wow! This city is just amazing it gets prettier every minute, the shops here are just beautiful and everything is awesome. 

London is a masterpiece, I just love it. 

If I'm having a dream right now, please don't wake me up!

After a few hours of shopping, I found myself in front of a woman sleeping in her car. Leaving the windows open or that's how it seemed, so just to be sure. I went closer to her and tried to wake her up and see if she's okay. But all my attempts of waking her up were a total failure. When I tried to get her head away from the steering wheel. I couldn't believe my eyes, she can't be who I think she is!

 It's just my 2nd day here I cannot be that lucky.


chap 5 everybody!

just to be clear I could easily put Ian Somerhalder but the guy in this story is more likely Damon Salvatore lol.

It's 07:42 am and I still didn't sleep so hopefully you like it thanks for reading. This chapter is dedicated to my bf @hindlemghili whose birthday is today so Happy Birthday babe.

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Love u Babies

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