Chapter three: YOUR DAUGHTER.

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Normal 'pov'

It has been two weeks since Amy got her acceptance letter, she has been packing and saying goodbye to her friends, family and of course her room. Even though she always wanted to get away, but goodbyes are always hard.

Today Amy's going to London, leaving everything behind and starting a new life. She didn't want her parents to go with her to the airport. So, after making her farewells to Cher, she took the train to go to the airport all alone.

Lucia's 'pov'(Amy's mum)

Amy is finally out! She just went to the airport and we finally got rid of her. That girl is so annoying, she's definitely not my daughter. She doesn't look like me, nor act like me.

She's always so quiet and boring. She doesn't even like to go to parties, who the hell doesn't like to go to parties?

She likes nothing basically. Damn it! I can't believe that I gave birth to such a loser. She's so different from us. Now that she left, things are definitely going to get better. I will no longer have to deal with her bullshit.

This calls for a celebration, some wine maybe. Let's see.... got the bottle, oh wait what's that? ... A letter, "for mum and dad". God damn it, I thought we finally got rid of her, guess I was wrong.

I call jack and ask him to come to the kitchen.

"What's going on?" he asked obviously annoyed.

" Just come here already your daughter left us a letter." I said to him

Then he replied: "Okay coming." Then he came in.

"You read it, or I will?" I ask him.

"Just read it quickly, I'm watching a movie." He said so I snapped at him." I also have a facial in a few minutes, let's just throw it. I don't think it's important anyways."

"Give me the letter, we are just wasting time right now." he said quite angry then opened it and started reading.

"Dear mum and dad,

I really don't know how to start this, so I'm just going to say whatever comes to my mind.

I know that you are both so happy, now that I left, because you have always hated the shit out of me. Maybe it's because you didn't want to have me?

I did all my best to make you proud but I've never reached your standards, so today I want to tell you that you don't deserve a real daughter, you should have gotten an emotionless robotic daughter that will do everything you want without discussing it.

Unfortunately, that's not me. I can't live the life you want me to live.

I'm going to pursue my dreams no matter what! But before, I've got a few questions for you.

Do you remember the last time you hugged me? or told me that you love me? Well I'm sure you don't because that was ages ago.

Do you remember the last time you made me a birthday party? Of course not, because you always forget it.

Do you remember the last gift you bought me? No!

Do you remember the last time we had breakfast, lunch or dinner together? No!

Do you know my best friend's names? No!

Do you know my favourite colour? No!

Are you aware that I'm your daughter? No!

Do you at least remember that I exist? Of course not!

All you know about me is my name, because you chose it. So just continue the good work you are doing at forgetting me because I don't think I am ever coming back.

Ps: mum, enjoy the wine you were about to have.

With love,




Third chapter done I cried a lot while making this one so hopefully you also felt those emotions while reading. So please vote and maybe share this one with your friends and don't forget to comment your thoughts.

Thanks for the support.

love u Babies.

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