chapter 11

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On the third month, flowers and grass shyly grew and more rivers with fresh water invaded the woods. Birds flew around, radioactive animals were born. This, of course, helped the hunt and killed the hunger.

Clarke and Bellamy took shifts. Clarke would search around the zone for three days per week and Bellamy would go two days; they decided it would be better this way since Bellamy knew how to prepare their meals better. Clarke wasn't such a great cook... she was busy with other type of activities.

Sometimes Clarke would show up with papers, pencils, blankets she found in a bunker. It reminded her of Finn, and how they first found a similar bunker, but she always shook her thoughts away, she had bigger problems to focus on.

It took them weeks to build a proper house, with a stable roof. They destroyed the previous little houses, to build a bigger one, with three bedrooms and another one, which could be named as a living room.

Outside they had some music instruments because Madi loved them, she loved how angelical they sounded together, and how unique they sounded alone. Madi reminded the former leaders of Jasper, he was always listening to music, he was constantly enjoying and appreciating that kind of art.

There was also a zone where they had breakfast every morning, with flowers surrounding them, with chairs made of trees. And at night they would listen to each other's stories, next to the fire, while keeping warm.

''Please Clarke,'' Madi begged.

They were all sitting next to the fire and the little girl wanted to hear more about the delinquents' stories so badly. Clarke shook her head.

''Madi, it's getting late. Tomorrow is a big day for all of us, you should sleep,''

''Bellamy... Please?'' Madi turned to him. Bellamy widened his eyes, not really knowing what to say.

''I...'' He looked at Clarke, which had a reproving look on her face and then he saw Madi, with her big blue eyes, just wanting to hear an innocent short story before going to sleep. ''Alright.''

''You do this everytime, you're terrible'' Clarke groaned.

''I can't help it,'' Bellamy shrugged. ''Let's see, we already talked about Octavia, Murphy, Jasper and Monty. Who do you want next?''


''Madi you know the rules, only one story of one of them per day.''

''Alright... Lincoln then.''

''Lincoln kom Trikru. He wasn't a man of big words, he always preferred gestures, actions. He was brave, a real peacemaker. He always knew what to say and when to say it though. I remember he told me, when he was younger... his dad made him do something bad to a man just because he wasn't a grounder, Lincoln told me this was supposed to turn him into a monster... but even in those moments, he knew what was right and what was wrong, all he wanted was to live without complications.''

''Do you think Octavia and Lincoln would be teina (together) forever?''

''They loved each other very much, yes.''

Realizing Bellamy already had watery eyes, Clarke got up.

''Alright little princess, now we really need to get some sleep.'' She spoke to Madi, grabbing her hand.

''Hey! You're the princess, not me,'' Madi answered, sticking her tongue out.

''Really funny,'' Clarke rolled her eyes but couldn't help and smiled shamelessly.

''Leida (bye) Bellamy, sleep well.'' Madi said giving him a kiss on the cheek and then ran inside.

''I'll be right back,'' she whispered and touched his shoulder.


''Is she sleeping already?'' Bellamy questioned when he noticed the blonde girl's presence.

''Yes, and she told me she can't wait to hear more stories tomorrow. She never changes.'' Clarke slightly chuckled.

''Reminds me of someone...''

''Bellamy, you'll see Octavia again soon.'' Clarke puts her hand again on his shoulder and he relaxes to her touch, closing his eyes. ''She's safe. Your only worry now is surviving until then.''

''It's hard..''

''She can take care of herself, she always did. She's fierce and strong, she's probably acting like a real heda there with servants and fancy drinks.''

''She probably is doing all that and more, huh?'' Bellamy turns to the girl next to him, gazing into her eyes.



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