Chapter 1 - Meeting the boss

Depuis le début

"Thank you", I had to laugh. I had expected something else from her enthusiasm.

My eldest colleague scanned me and pointed at my skirt. I immediately pulled it down, so it reached my knees. "Janet is making her rounds again, just so you know."

"Oh, she's back already from her holiday?", I asked, rolling my eyes.

Janet White was the oldest employee of this level and the most annoying one. She took strictly to dress codes and constantly reported somebody to Jessica. I had once stretched to get a file from the file cabinet, which had caused my pencil skirt to ride up above my knees. Janet had seen that and had instantly reported me to Jessica.

Jessica sadly had to overgo every case Janet reported, as it was her duty, and had talked to every employee at least thrice by now.

I registered my presence at the monitor and held my card against the scanner until it let out a humming sound. 7:58:32. Just in time.

Hanging my coat on the coatrack, I greeted the others who came from the other rooms with the files that we had to work through. My other two colleagues were Nina Hathaway and Clarissa Smith, both around my age.

Nina was a beautiful blonde woman with a straight, slender build and beaming blue eyes. Her voice was always cheerful, as was she. Nina could twist anybody around her finger, even the most annoying customers.

Clarissa was the smallest one of us, bore an always well-kept brown lob-cut and had a beautiful face with green eyes. She had the best memory from us all, remembering even the most unnecessary things. She had saved us often in the past three weeks.

I was the chubbiest one of us, quite curvy with strong legs but a rather thin waist and big chest. I blamed my father's side of the family since they all bore strong legs, but thankfully I had inherited the upper body and somewhat tall height from my mother's side. I was 1,75 m tall, or as Americans would say 5'9".

"I like your hair", Clarissa joked with a warm smile and giggled as I looked at the mirror in our office. My hair was standing in all sorts of directions.

I quickly patted the mess down, took the extended hair tie from Clarissa with a thank you and tied it into a ponytail.

"Oh oh", Nina grumbled, looking down the glass door where I had come from. She rolled her eyes heavily. "Code J."

We all bolted to our desks. I made sure my skirt went over my knees, checked if my heels were clean and booted up the computer. Taking one pencil, I opened the first file on my growing pile and started highlighting and commenting the passages which I read.

It was a case of our own investments and I should check if we could afford to expand our company in the-

The glass door was forcefully opened, and Janet hurried inside with the intensity of an earthquake, huffing as she saw us all working and moved to the scanner. I forced myself to concentrate on the file.

We should check if we could afford expanding in the business sector of- "Mrs Atkins." Janet's dry voice cut off my thoughts.

Oh for god's sake.

"Yes, Mrs White?", I tried my hardest to sound polite.

"You clocked in at 7:58 am?"

I tried not to sigh. "Yes Ma'am."

Janet furrowed her brows and drew her thin lips into an angry smile. Her deep wrinkles got even deeper, if that was even possible. "That's too late and you know it."

How was that too late?

"Why did you arrive so late?"

"Look, my tube didn't come on time and I already ran to the office. I was here before 8 am and I was even working until you talked to me. I'm still good time-wise."

Falling for my boss ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant