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Taking in the content of the words displayed on my MacBook screen, I quickly scan them one last time and then immediately exit out of the web browser. I push away from my writing table and swivel the chair before stopping myself as I start to feel dizzy.

Somehow I never learn to stop. I lay my head against the chair and let out a low groan.

I'm so bored.

Stalking celebrities all day, unfortunately does have its limits.

The slight ringing of my phone going off makes me stand up and trudge over to my bed.

"Girl" My best friend Chantel Ali yells through the phone almost busting my ears out.

I met Chantel a week after I moved to the US. She was from the states but her parents were originally citizens of Egypt, till they finally immigrated to America. She was from Arizona though, but instead of going to College like most American teens. She decided to go to Culinary school, and that's where we met and became the best friends of life.

The first day we met, she literally came over and asked me the weirdest questions like if I was in my period or something because I was giving everyone this bitchy look (yes, she was that crazy) who asks someone that on the first day they meet them?. But then that's my bubbly best friend for you.

I feign a gasp.

"Where the hell have you been. You haven't called or texted me in over a month. I've been trying to call you for ages and for some weird reason, you never pick"

"I've been very busy Channy"I say letting out a sigh. Chantel hated when I called her Channy, she preferred you using her actual name. But then again she called me Anny too.

Noticing the sadness laced in my voice she spoke. "What's wrong?"

"Everything is just wrong, am having a hard time coping here"I sighed running a hand through my hair.

It was true.

I thought after a month I would get used to it but then I didn't. To make matters worse, Mom has been bugging me to get married, she had informed me that the Royal Imam's family wanted to send a proposal for their son to me.

I didn't want to get married. Not now, at least.

I was just twenty two but Mom is making it seem like I was forty and not married. She wanted to get rid of me that bad.

"Do you wanna talk about it" she asked. She was clearly concerned for me. She didn't take it lightly that I was coming back, I told her before that I wasn't living in America forever. But she never accepted that, she did now.

"Yah but not now, I guess"

"Anan, never forget I'm here for you alright, we're all here for you. Even though we're thousand of miles away"

"I love you"I murmured. I missed her so much, all of them.

"Love you bitch too, till infinity and fucking beyond"She says letting out a soft chuckle. "Did you place our frames?"

"Umm... I have bought them out, but I haven't yet found a suitable place for them"I tell her.

When I was coming back, They framed their fav pictures of us and all gave me too keep.

"How's Dy"I asked referring to Diana.

"She's Good, shes two weeks due. She misses you"She answers. Diana was pregnant for Noah. Let's just say a one night stand became something else, we have been friends for forever and they always had this attraction. So they slept together, didn't use protection and bam! Diana became pregnant.

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